First term examination model questions and answers

January 28, 2025


Read the questions carefully before answering them.

Activity I is compulsory.

• Attempt any four activities from Activity II to VII.

Activity 1- Reading Comprehension

Read the poem given below and select the most appropriate answers:

I’m not lonely in the night, 

For I have a magic light. When you look at it by day,

You can’t see a single ray. 

But at night there can be seen 

Teeny-weeny rays of green 

For my light, you realize, Is a jar of fireflies

1. By ‘magic light’ the speaker means:

a. moon

b. teeny-weeny

c. stars

d. fireflies

2. The rhyme scheme of the first four lines is:

a. aa



d. what?

a. aa bb

b. ab ab

c. aa bc

d. ab ba 

3. The expression ‘teeny-weeny’ denotes:

a. big

b. very big

c. very small

d. bright

4.The word ‘realize’ means:

a. clear

b. understand

c. forget

d. none of these

5. Which is not a rhyming pair?

a. night – light

b. day – ray

c. seen – green

d. flies – fire

Activity 2- Conversation

“Mom, may I go for the trip?” Totto-chan asked hesitantly to her mother. “What about your father? Will he allow you to go for the trip?” Her mother asked. Then Totto-chan met her father.

What would be the likely conversation between Totto-chan and her father?

Activity 3 – Diary

Totto-chan and her friends visited Hot Spring during summer vacation. She could not forget that first happy summer vacation. Imagine your- self to be Totto-chan and make an entry in your diary. Write the likely diary entry.

Activity 4- Profile

Write a short profile of William Blake based on the following hints.

Born: 28 November, 1757 Soho, London, Great Britain

Occupation: Poet, painter, print-maker

Notable works: Songs of Innocence and of Experience, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, The Four Zoas, Jerusalem, Milton, etc.

Died : 12 August, 1827 (aged 69)

Activity 5 – Felicitation Speech

Suppose your friend Mr. Ashok was selected to the interschool cricket team. The school Sports Club has decided to felicitate Mr. Ashok on his great achievement.

Write a felicitation speech.

Activity 6- Interview Questions

Imagine you have the opportunity to interview some local sports personalities. What questions would you ask them about their journeys, chal- lenges, etc. for aspiring athletes?

Prepare 5 questions.

Activity 7 – Editing

Read the following passage and edit the words underlined.

One (a) sunday morning after church, they (b) tosed the coin (c) would that determine (d) there future. Albrecht Durer, the younger brother, won the toss and (e) went of to the Academy.


Activity 1- Reading Comprehension

1. fireflies

2. aa bb

3. very small

4. understand

5. flies – fire

Activity 2- Conversation

Totto-chan : Could I ask you a favour, Dad?

Father: What’s it dear?

Totto-chan: May I go on a trip to the Hot Spring with my friends?

Father : What does your mother say?

Totto-chan: She says she’ll let me go if the journey is safe. This is her only concern.

Father: Okay. What do you say?

Totto-chan: We have made all the arrangements to make the trip totally safe.

Father :Tell me about how you plan to go there.

Totto-chan: We’ll go by train, and be bade after three days.

Father : Okay. Go ahead. Plan everything carefully. Don’t forget to take your phone.

Totto-chan:Thank you so much, father.

Activity 3 – Diary

Thursday 31 August, 2023

I can’t believe it. The trip is over, and I have come back. Everything during the trip looked like a wonderful adventure. The Hot Spring was my first experience. How cold were the nights! Lucky that we had taken some blankets. How wonderful was our visit to the beach! The sight of the man making wooden boats was really awesome. All the photos we took were quite good. The memories of our trip will remain with us for a long time.

Activity 4 – Profile

William Blake (1757-1827)

William Blake, the famous English poet, painter and print-maker was born on 28 November 1757 in Soho, London, Great Britain. His notable works include Songs of Innocence and of Experience, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, The Four Zoas, Jerusalem, Milton, etc. He passed away on 12 August, 1827 at the age of 69.

Activity 5 – Felicitation Speech

Good morning, everyone,

We have gathered here today for a special purpose. Mr. Ashok’s presence with us today is so inspiring and we are all delighted to know that he has been selected to the inter- school cricket team. It is an incredible achievement and a proud moment for all. We must truly appreciate his effort and commitment to sports. His success should inspire us all. We are sure that he will reach greater heights in his career, and one day he will make his presence in cricket as a prominent player. Once again let us offer him our sincere appreciation and love.

Thank you!

Activity 6 – Interview Questions

1. What motivated you to become a sportsperson?

2. What inspired you to pursue a career in sports?

3. How do you balance your sports career with other aspects of your life?

4. Can you share a story of overcoming adversity?

5. Can you describe your most memorable moment in sports?

Activity 7 – Eduting 

One (a) Sunday morning after church, they (b) tossed the coin (c) that would determine (d) their future. Albrecht Durer, the younger brother, won the toss and (e) went off to the Academy go there. de after three

Category: Class 7English