January 20, 2025

Qualifying Service means 

A:-To count for increment

B:-To count for pension

C:-To count for Higher Grade alone

D:-To count for probation alone

Correct Answer:- Option-B:-To count for pension

  1. Beginning of Service.– 

(a) Except for compensation gratuity, an employee’s service does not qualify till he has completed 18 years of age.

(b) In other cases, unless it be otherwise provided by special rule or contract, the service of every employee begins when he takes charge of the office to which he is first appointed.


10 The service of an employee does not qualify for pension unless he is appointed, his duties regulated, and paid by the Government or under conditions determined by the Government.

11.   Notwithstanding the provisions of rule 10, the Government may,

1.declare that any specified kind of service rendered shall qualify for pension; and individual cases, and subject to such conditions as they may think fit to impose in each case, allow service rendered by an employee to count for pension.

Note.1:–Service rendered under Governor’s Household prior to 18th September 1963 will qualify for pension in the case of an employee absorbed there from in a post in the Governor’s Secretariat, on the certificate of the Secretary, Governor’s Household, Raj Bhavan or the Secretary to Governor as the case may be, as to the correctness of such service.

Note.2:–Temporary employees of the Government of India on deputation to the State Government who are subsequently absorbed in the service of the State Government will be allowed to count for pension the period of their continuous temporary service under the Government of India immediately preceding the service under the State Government (Vide also Rule 61). *Employees of State Government departments who left the former service in Central Government/[†] on their own volition for taking up appointment in State Government departments will be allowed to reckon their prior service for all pensionary benefits along with the service in State Government departments. In the case of prior service rendered by Central Government employees in State Government and vice versa, the liability of pension including gratuity, will be borne in full by the Central Government/State Government to which the Government servant permanently belongs at the time of retirement and no recovery of proportionate pension will be made from Central Government/State Government under whom he had served.


12 Service in an establishment, the duties of which are not continuous, but are limited to certain fixed periods in each year, including the period during which the establishment is not employed, qualifies, but the period during which the establishment is not employed shall qualify only if the employee was on actual duty when the establishment was discharged after completion of its work and on the date on which it is re-employed.

13. Work Establishment employees absorbed in regular establishment will be allowed to count 50 per cent of the work establishment service for In cases of retirements on or after 1st April 1968 the entire full-time work establishment service excluding periods of actual break will count for pension provided that if the employee was a member of any Contributory Provident Fund Scheme, the employer’s share of Provident Fund Contribution with interest thereon shall be refunded to Government

Explanation : Period of officiating/temporary service in the regular establishment interposed between work establishment service will be treated as work establishment service.

Government Decision

*The benefits contemplated in this rule will be admissible also in the case of persons in the work establishment who have been subsequently recruited by the Public Service Commission to the regular establishment

14AContingent employees absorbed in regular establishment will be allowed to count 50 per cent of the contingency service for purposes of pension:

 Provided that this rule will apply to cases of retirement from 2nd September 1957 only (irrespective of the date of absorption of such employees into regular establishment). 

In cases of retirements on or after 1st April 1968 the entire full-time contingency service will count for pension.

Explanation : Periods of officiating / temporary service in regular establishment and/or periods of work establishment service interposed between periods of contingency service will be treated as contingency service.

Government Decision 

The benefits contemplated in this rule will be admissible in the case of persons in the contingent establishment who have been subsequently recruited by the Public Service Commission to the regular establishment.


14B. The continuous service under the District Boards put in as Health Assistants by the Health Inspectors allotted to Kerala from 1st November 1956 shall be reckoned as qualifying service for pension to the extent specified below:

(i) Service verified to be covered by pensionary contribution, in full and

(ii)  Fifty per cent of the service in respect of which remittance of pension contribution has not been made by the District Board (s) or with regard to which the remittance of contribution could not be verified

(This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force with effect from 1st November 1956.)

(iii) The entire service of the Health Assistants in the Malabar District Board Service and Sanitary Inspectors, First Class Vaccinators, Birth and Death Registrars and License Inspectors under the various local bodies in the Madras State who were recruited by the Madras Public Service Commission as Health Inspectors before 1st November 1956 and allotted to Kerala as Government servants as 1st November 1956 will count for pension (G.O.(MS)349/69/H.D., dated 19th December 1969 and 149/70/H.D., dated 29th April 1970)

14C. Fifty per cent of the edavagai service of persons absorbed in Government service will be counted for the purpose of pension.

In the case of retirements on or after 1st April 1968 the entire edavagai service will count for purpose of pension. The entire edavagai service of  illage staff absorbed into Government service as per the Edavagai Acquisitions Act, 1955 will count for pension irrespective of the date of retirement [G.O.(MS.)597/Rev., dated 11th July 1962, G.O.(P) 780/70/Fin., dated 3rd November 1970 read with G.O.(P) 413/71/Fin., dated 15th July 1971 and G.O.(MS.) 110/70/RD.,dated 28th July 1970.]

14D. Fifty per cent of the continuous service of the employees under the District Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen’s Boards, prior to 1st March 1964 absorbed, into regular establishment will be counted for the purpose of pension.

In the case of retirement falling on or after 1st April 1968 the entire service under the District Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen’s Boards will count for pension.

14Ea) Aided School service put in by Government employees prior to entry in Government service qualifies.

b) Aided private college service, both teaching and non-teaching,of Government employees prior to their entry in Government service shall qualify for pensionary benefits, subject to the following conditions, namely:—

(i)The actual period of regular full time service rendered from the date of actual introduction of Direct Payment System in the aided private college shall be counted.

(ii) Service rendered prior to the introduction of Direct Payment System in any aided  private college shall be counted only for the period of those incumbents who have been paid salary under grant-in-aid scheme introduced with effect from 1965.

(iii)  In cases of resignation of the appointment in private college service for the purpose of taking up appointment in Government, break, if any, between the private college service and the Government service shall not exceed the joining time admissible under the service rules, plus public holidays. Service prior to resignation for other purposes shall not be counted.

(iv) The Government contribution if any, to their Provident Fund Account in respect of their aided private college service shall be refunded to Government.

(v) The Management’s share of contribution if any in  Provident Fund Account in respect of aided private college staff shall be credited to Government. In such cases, a certificate in the following form shall be recorded in the Service Book by the Head of Institution in which the incumbent had worked duly countersigned by the Head of the Department.“Certified that the Governments’/Managements’ share of contribution with interest thereon which should otherwise have gone to the employee has not been/shall not be paid to him/her but has been/shall be credited to Government”.

The certificate regarding the crediting of Managers’ contribution is not necessary when contributions are to be paid back to the Management under rules.

(vi)  For counting the aided private college service, a certificate in the following form shall be recorded in the Service Book by the Head of the Institution in which the incumbent had worked duly countersigned by the Head of the Department.

(c)  Regular full time Government service of aided private college staff and aided private

”Service has been verified with reference to the initial records such as attendance registers, acquittance rolls, pay bills etc., and is qualifying for pension”.

school staff prior to their entry in aided private college service and aided private school service shall be counted for pension for such service.

Note 1:– Service in unaided school in erstwhile Travancore – Cochin area which acceded to the Private Secondary School Scheme, put in by Government school teachers, prior to entry into Government service, whose service in aided school is allowed to count for pension under the above Rule will also qualify for pension.

Note 2 :– !The benefit of the above rule shall be admissible to all the teachers who retired on or before the 24th day of January 1968 and were alive on the 7th day of January 1983.

Government Decisions 

1.Both teaching and non-teaching service in aided schools put in by Government employees prior to their entry into Government Service will count for pension. This benefit is also admissible to Government employees other than teachers.

2  **

3.In cases of resignation of the appointment in aided school service for the purpose of taking up Government appointment, break, if any, between the aided school service and the Government service should not exceed the joining time admissible under the service rules plus public holidays. Service prior to resignation for other reasons will not count.

4.The Government contribution, if any, to their Provident Fund Account in respect of their aided school service shall be refunded to Government.

5.The Manager’s share of contribution in Provident Fund Account in respect of aided school service also shall be refunded to Government. In such cases, a certificate in the following form shall be recorded in the Service Book by the pension sanctioning authorities: @or Heads of Departments.

“Certified that the Government’s / Manager’s share of contribution with interest thereon which should have otherwise gone to the employee has not been /will not be paid to him / her but has been / will be credited to Government.”

The certificate regarding the crediting of Manager’s contribution is not necessary when contributions are to be paid back to the Managers under rules.

6.For counting the aided school service a certificate in the following form shall be recorded in the Service Book by the pension sanctioning authorities: or @ Heads of Departments.

“Service has been verified with reference to the initial records such as attendance registers, acquittance rolls, pay bills, etc., and is qualifying for pension.”

6A  @“For recording the certificates as in Government decisions 5 and 6 above certificates duly countersigned by the DEO can be relied upon. In such cases it should also be recorded that, the certificates is as per letter No………….…dated…………of the DEO ………….(Place). In cases where the service in the aided school/s have been entered in the service book under proper authentication further certificate to that effect is not necessary.”

7.In the case of aided school service sandwiched between Government service, the qualifying service for pension should be calculated from the date of first entry in Government service and the entire period including the sandwiched aided school service should be reckoned for pension subject to recovery of GPF benefits, if any, received by them.

*The above orders are applicable only to persons governed by Kerala Service Rules and who retire / die while in service on or after 14th November 1966.

8.(i) The benefit of counting periods of break as per note 3 below Rule 31, part III Kerala Service Rules will be allowed in cases where the appointment before the break was not provisional or for limited period and the break was due to reduction of staff strength of the institution

(ii) In cases not covered by (i) above the actual period of service excluding the periods of break will be reckoned for qualifying service.

(iii)  In cases covered by (i) above the certificate that termination of appointment was due to reduction of staff strength of the institution should be countersigned by the pension sanctioning authority or [ † Heads of the Departments.]


14F. The entire service under the hereditary system put in by those village staff in the Malabar area absorbed into regular Government service will be reckoned for purposes of pension and other retirement benefits.

** In such cases, break if any, between hereditary service and the regular service will be automatically condoned.

Government Decision

Both teaching and non-teaching service in aided schools put in by the hereditary village staff who have subsequently, been absorbed into regular establishments will count for purposes of pension and other retirement benefits, subject to the condition laid down in Government decision under rule 14 E, K.S.R., Part III.


14G.In the case of copyists who retired from service on or after 10th July 1947, 50 percent of their service of volunteer Copyist in the Revenue and Judicial Departments will count for purposes of pension along with their subsequent service in the regular establishment prior to 10th July 1947.

14H.The entire service of the employees of the Marine Department of Travancore-Cochin area (whose service prior to April 1, 1958 and after April -1, 1960 was under Government) between April 1, 1953 to March 31, 1960 under Port Fund will be treated as regular Government Service and counted for purposes of pension under the Service Rules applicable to them.

The service of those entertained in that Department after April 1, 1953 will be governed by the Kerala Service Rules from November 1, 1959.

14.I  The entire service of the employees of the Malabar District Board [∗Educational and Medical Institution] taken over by Government will count for purposes of pension provided that the Board’s contribution to the Provident Fund Accounts with interest has been lapsed to Government and the contributions of the subscribers have been transferred to the State Provident Fund.

14J.  The provisional service put in by the persons under the Malabar District Board who left the Boards Service / prior to the date of its abolition and take over by the Government and got appointment in the State Government Service and retired on or after the 1st January 1962 shall be reckoned for pension, subject to the following conditions.

(i) such provisional service is verified and recorded in the Service under proper attestation and contributory pension fund benefits if any, received for such service is refunded.

(ii) The actual period of provisional service alone will count.

(iii) Interruption between the provisional service in the Board and the Government service shall be treated as automatically condoned except when it was caused by resignation, dismissal or removal from service. Resignation from Boards Service, to take up Government appointment shall not constitute break in service, provided the period of break does not exceed the joining time admissible under the Service Rules including Public Holidays.

15. Apprentices & Probationers. – Service as an apprentice does not qualify except in the following cases:¬

(i)  Engineer Apprentices in the Public Works Department.

(ii) Apprentice Compositors in the Government Press.

16 .  Probationary service followed by qualifying service counts for pension.


14F. The entire service under the hereditary system put in by those village staff in the Malabar area absorbed into regular Government service will be reckoned for purposes of pension and other retirement benefits.

** In such cases, break if any, between hereditary service and the regular service will be automatically condoned.

Government Decision

Both teaching and non-teaching service in aided schools put in by the hereditary village staff who have subsequently, been absorbed into regular establishments will count for purposes of pension and other retirement benefits, subject to the condition laid down in Government decision under rule 14 E, K.S.R., Part III.


14G.In the case of copyists who retired from service on or after 10th July 1947, 50 percent of their service of volunteer Copyist in the Revenue and Judicial Departments will count for purposes of pension along with their subsequent service in the regular establishment prior to 10th July 1947.

14H.The entire service of the employees of the Marine Department of Travancore-Cochin area (whose service prior to April 1, 1958 and after April -1, 1960 was under Government) between April 1, 1953 to March 31, 1960 under Port Fund will be treated as regular Government Service and counted for purposes of pension under the Service Rules applicable to them.

The service of those entertained in that Department after April 1, 1953 will be governed by the Kerala Service Rules from November 1, 1959.

14.I  The entire service of the employees of the Malabar District Board [∗Educational and Medical Institution] taken over by Government will count for purposes of pension provided that the Board’s contribution to the Provident Fund Accounts with interest has been lapsed to Government and the contributions of the subscribers have been transferred to the State Provident Fund.

14J.  The provisional service put in by the persons under the Malabar District Board who left the Boards Service / prior to the date of its abolition and take over by the Government and got appointment in the State Government Service and retired on or after the 1st January 1962 shall be reckoned for pension, subject to the following conditions.

(i) such provisional service is verified and recorded in the Service under proper attestation and contributory pension fund benefits if any, received for such service is refunded.

(ii) The actual period of provisional service alone will count.

(iii) Interruption between the provisional service in the Board and the Government service shall be treated as automatically condoned except when it was caused by resignation, dismissal or removal from service. Resignation from Boards Service, to take up Government appointment shall not constitute break in service, provided the period of break does not exceed the joining time admissible under the Service Rules including Public Holidays.

15. Apprentices & Probationers. – Service as an apprentice does not qualify except in the following cases:¬

(i)  Engineer Apprentices in the Public Works Department.

(ii) Apprentice Compositors in the Government Press.

16 .  Probationary service followed by qualifying service counts for pension.

17. Piecework – A press employee who is paid for piece work is treated as having rendered service qualifying for pension if ¬

(1)  he is employed, not casually, but as a member of a fixed establishment; and

(2) during the last seventy two months of his actual employment he has been attached to one office uninterruptedly for twenty four months, or it has not been through his own choice or misconduct that he has not been so attached.

18. Sources of Remuneration .– Service which satisfies the conditions prescribed in Rule 10 qualifies or does not qualify, according to the source from which it is paid; with reference to this rule, service is classified as follows:¬

(a)Paid from the General Revenues of the State.
(b) Paid from Local Funds.
(c)Paid from Funds in respect of which the Government holds the position of a trustee.
(d)Paid by Fees levied by law, or under the authority of the Government or by Commission.
(e)Paid by the grant, in accordance with law or custom, of a tenure in land, or of any source of income, or right to collect money.

19. General revenues of the State.–Service paid from the General Revenues qualifies, the fact that arrangements are made for the recovery, on the part of the Government, of the whole or part, of the cost of an establishment or employee does not affect the operation of this principle; provided that the establishment or employees is appointed, controlled, and paid by Government.

Note 1:– In making arrangements for the recovery of cost of establishments, it should not be forgotten that Government have to bear not only the immediate cost, but also that of leave salary and pensions.

Note 2 :–When Police Personnel are entertained at the cost of individuals and corporate bodies an additional charge of one-fourth the pay of the personnel must be defrayed by the persons for whose benefit they are employed.

20.  Local Funds and Trust Funds. – Service paid from a Local Fund does not qualify for pension except under special orders of Government.

Provided that the past service put in by Government employees and Aided School/ Aided College Teachers in Panchayat/Municipal Common Service and Universities prior to their entry in State Government Service or Aided School/Aided College Service shall be reckoned as qualifying service for pension and Death-cum-Retirement Gratuity from Government.

Note :–  The above proviso shall not be applicable for appointments to or from Public Sector Undertakings, Autonomous Bodies or similar bodies as they are constituted under the Companies Act or by separate legislation of the Central or State Government. In the case of prior service in Universities, only such service in any of the following Universities shall be considered for this benefit:

(i) Kerala University
(ii) Calicut University
(iii) Mahatma Gandhi University
(iv) Sree Sankara University
(v) Kannur University
(vi) Cochin University of Science and Technology
(vii)  Kerala Agricultural University

The cases where payment towards pro-rata pension liability have already been made by a former employer as per the rules prior to the 19th day of November,

2009 shall not be re-opened and in all other cases including cases where payment have become due but not paid, such payments shall not be made”.

21.The Administrator of Local Fund may with the permission of the Government, make a permanent arrangement for contributing for pension from the General revenues for its employees, or for any specified classes of them by paying to Government a contribution of one-sixth of the sanctioned salaries of the several appointments:

Provided that (a) the contribution is paid by cash or cheque to the nearest Government Treasury within the 15th day of the month following that for which the contribution is payable. Any default in the payment of the contributions, within this period will entail forfeiture of the claim against Government, but the claim may be revived on payment of arrears with interest at the rate of 4 paise a day per rupees one hundred from the date from which the contribution was in arrears, (b) the bills of establishment charges are subject to audit by Government under the rules provided for the audit of Government establishment charges.  Arrear contributions in respect either of individuals or classes of employees proposed with a view to render past service qualifying cannot be accepted.

Government Decision

Pension contribution payable on behalf of a local body employees will be rounded off to the nearest rupee as follows:¬

(i)  Fraction below 50 paise will be ignored and 50 paise and above will be rounded off to the next higher rupee.
(ii)  *Rounding off will be done (a) at the initial state while calculating the monthly rates of pension contribution payable on behalf of each employee, (b) while calculating pension contribution payable on behalf of each employee for part of a month.
This decision will take effect from 1st April 1976.


Consequent on the introduction of the Contributory Provident Fund Scheme, the benefits of pension under Article 346-V, Travancore Service Regulations were restricted to the employees who were permanent in the Trivandrum Corporation in 1st Chingam 1126/ 17th August 1950 and in the Municipality of the Travancore area on 1stApril 1953. The pension contribution in respect of an employee of this category ceases to be payable when he retires; and need not be paid for the periods which do not count for pension.

22. Service paid from funds which Government held only as a trustee such as under a Court of Wards or in an attached estate, does not qualify.

23.  Fees and Commissions.- Except when fees or commissions are drawn in addition to pay from the General Revenues, service in an office paid only by fees, whether levied by law under the authority of Government, or by a commission, does not qualify.

24. Tenure in Lands, etc.  Service paid by the grant in accordance with law or custom of tenure in land, or of any other source of income, or right to collect money, does not qualify.