January 20, 2025

13.  Except as provided by this rule, no person may be appointed to a post in Government service without his producing a medical certificate of health in the form annexed below. The Government may, in individual cases, dispense with the production of a certificate, and may by general orders exempt any specified class of officers from the operation of this rule.


I do hereby certify that I have examined A B, a candidate for employment in the ……………………… Department, and cannot discover that he has any disease, constitutional affection or bodily infirmity except…………… I do not consider this a disqualification for employment in the office of………………………..

A B’s age is according to his own statement x years and by appearance y years.

A B has been re-vaccinated/vaccinated or has/had smallpox.

Question.The rule which demands medical certificate of health of a persons who appointed to a post in government service is
A:-Rule 13
B:-Rule 15
C: Rule 14
Correct Answer:- A:-Rule 13

Note 1.

The certificate prescribed above must ordinarily be signed by a Civil Medical Officer of rank not lower than a Civil Surgeon or Honorary Medical Officer of Civil Surgeon’s rank or the Director of Indigenous Medicine, but in the case of a person whom it is proposed to appoint to a post the maximum pay of which is not more than *   1050 and who cannot conveniently be brought before an officer of higher rank, a certificate from an Assistant Surgeon with M.B.B.S. degree may, at the discretion of the appointing authority, be accepted.

Question .In the case of a person whom it is proposed to appoint as a higher rank officer, the medical certificate of Health to joint first appointment shall be from

A:-Any registered medical practitioner

B:-The Director or Indigenious Medicines

C:-The Director of Health Services

D:-An Assistant Surgeon

Correct Answer:- Option-D:-An Assistant Surgeon

Note 2.

An officer, in whom a defect has been noticed by the Medical Officer who granted him his first certificate of health, may not be transferred from the office to which he was originally appointed, to another office, the duties of which are different in  character, except on production of another certificate from a competent authority to the effect that the defect will not materially interfere with the discharge of his new duties by reason of such transfer.

   Medical Certificate :   exceptions

Note 3.-The following classes of officers are exempted from producing a medical certificate of health :-

(1)an officer recruited through a competitive examination who had to undergo medical examination in accordance with regulations prescribed for appointment to service under Government;

(2)an officer in service other than the last grade appointed in a temporary vacancy of less than three months duration;

(3)an officer in the last grade appointed in a temporary vacancy of less than six months duration ;

4) a temporary officer who has already been medically examined in one office if transferred to another office without a break in service subject to the provision of Note 2 above;

(5)  a retired officer re-employed immediately after retirement.

Who among the following need not produce a medical certificate of health at the time of appointment 

A:-Last Grade Employee

B:-Gazetted Officer

C:-Retired officer reemployed immediately after retirement 


Correct Answer:- Option-C:-Retired officer reemployed immediately after retirement

Question .edical examination is not necessary for commutation of pension, if the application for it is submitted within
A:-Within 2 years from the date of retirement

B:-Within 1 year from the date of retirement

C:-Within 1.5 years from the date of retirement

D:-6 months prior to date of retirement

Correct Answer:- Option-B:-Within 1 year from the date of retirement

Question . In which of the following cases, production of medical certificate is not necessary?
A:-A person is re-employed after resignation of forfeiture of past service B:-An officer is promoted from non-qualifying service paid from Local fund to a post in Government service other than last grade
C:-An officer in the last grade appointed to a temporary vacancy of less than six months duration
D:-In all the two cases of 1 and 2 above
Correct Answer:- Option-C:-An officer in the last grade appointed to a temporary vacancy of less than six months duration

Question .ho among the following need not produce a medical certificate of health at the time of appointment

A:-Last Grade Employee

B:-Gazetted Officer

C:-Retired officer reemployed immediately after retirement


Correct Answer:- C:-Retired officer reemployed immediately after retirement

Question .o medical certificate is necessary for the last grade employees in ______ department while applying invalid pension
A:-Health service department

B:-Education department

C:-Excise department

D:-Forest department

Correct Answer:- Option-D:-Forest department

Question .hich of the following classes of Officers are exempted from producing a Medical Certificate of Health at the time of joining or appointment into Government Service?
A:-An Officer recruited through a competitive exam who has to undergo a Medical Examination
B:-An Officer in service in the last grade appointed in a temporary vacancy of less than 3 months duration
C:-A retired Officer re-employed immediately after retirement
D:-All of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-D:-All of the above

Question .An officer is promoted non-qualifying service paid from local fund to a post in Govt. service other than last grade is
A:-Not exempted from producing medical certificate
B:-Exempted from producing medical certificate
C:-Exempted as per the discretion of appointing authority
D:-None of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-A:-Not exempted from producing medical certificate

 Medical Certificate :    Necessary

Note 4.-(a) The production of a medical certificate is necessary when-

(i) an officer is promoted from non-qualifying service paid from a Local Fund to a post in Government service other than last grade;

(ii) a person is re-employed after resignation or forfeiture of past service;

(b) when a person is re-employed in circumstances other than those referred to in clause (a) (ii) above the appointing authority will decide whether a medical certificate should be produced.

The production of a medical certificate is necessary for appointment when
A:-When a retired officer is reemployed two years after retirement
B:-An officer in the last grade appointed in a temporary vacancy of less than 6 months duration
C:-An officer other than last grade appointed in a temporary vacancy of less than 3 months duration
D:-An officer recruited through a competitive examination and who had to undergo medical examination as part of the selection
Correct Answer:-A:-When a retired officer is reemployed two years after retirement

Question .In which of the following cases, production of medical certificate is necessary?
A:-A person is re-employed after resignation or forfeiture of past service
B:-An officer recruited through a competitive examination who had to undergo medical
examination in accordance with regulations prescribed for appointment to service under government
C:-An officer in the last grade appointed to a temporary vacancy of less than six months duration
D:-A retired officer re-employed immediately after retirement
Correct Answer:- Option-A:-A person is re-employed after resignation or forfeiture of past service

Note 5.

Once a person is asked to produce a medical certificate of fitness for entry into Government service whether in a temporary or permanent capacity and has actually been examined and declared unfit, it is not open to the appointing authorities subordinate to Government to use their discretion to ignore the certificate that has been produced.

Government Decision

The question of laying down appropriate rules to govern the Medical Examination of candidates recruited to Government service was considered by Government. After taking into account all the relevant aspects of the question, the following rules have been laid down in this behalf:

1. Normally a candidate should be medically examined before his first appointment. In certain cases, however, when a candidate is required to join immediately for work or for training, the appointment may be made without first obtaining the medical certificate, though the appointment should be subject to the officer being declared medically fit. In all such cases, if an officer is declared unfit on medical examination and he prefers an appeal he should be retained in service till the case is finally decided.

2. Similarly, in the case of a Government servant whose appointment is made on a temporary basis on the strength of a medical certificate issued by a lower authority or without such a certificate, it may be necessary to get a certificate of fitness from the appropriate medical authority. If the appropriate medical authority finds that the person is not fit for retention in service at all and if an appeal for a second medical examination from the Government servant concerned is accepted the person concerned should be allowed to continue in service till the verdict of appropriate medical authority is known. In case it is decided not to accede to the  request for further medical examination, the services of the officer should be terminated forthwith.

3. The intimation regarding unfitness of a candidate should immediately on receipt be communicated to the person concerned with a note that appeal, if any, must be made by the candidate/ Government servant concerned within one month of the communication of the findings of the Medical Officer and that, if any, Medical certificate is produced as piece of evidence about the possibility of an error of judgement in the decision of the Medical Officer who examined him, in the first instance, the certificate must contain a note by the Medical Officer concerned to the effect that it has been given in full knowledge of the fact that the candidate has already been rejected as unfit for service by a Medical Officer.

4. In case no appeal (with requisite evidence in support of his case) is preferred by the candidate/ Government servant within one month of the date of communication to him of the findings of the Medical Officer, his services should be terminated forthwith on the expiry of the period of one month and ordinarily no appeal should be allowed after the expiry of that period.

5. In case where a Government servant or a candidate for Government service is declared unfit for retention in Government service or appointment in the Government service by a Medical Officer, the grounds for rejection may be communicated to him in broad terms without giving minute details regarding the defects pointed out by the Medical Officer. Cases where the grounds of rejection have not been clearly stated by the Medical Officer, in his report, may be referred to the Government for advice.

6. For the first Medical Examination of the candidate/Government servant as well as the subsequent examinations found necessary by the

7.  appointing authority on account of an appeal, the appointing authority shall give suitable requisition to the Medical Officer concerned.

8. No appeal shall lie against the adverse findings of a Medical Officer to whom the case is referred on appeal.

Note 1.

Certificate of physical fitness for entry into Government service should always be from Medical Practitioners of Modern Medicine or from Doctors of Indigenous Medicine.

Note 2.

The Medical Authority who is to issue a medical certificate a second time on appeal shall be of a higher status than the other who issued the first medical certificate.

Note 3.

*When a final certificate has been issued either by the Director of Health Services, or by the Director of Indigenous Medicines, that certificate will be final and no appeal will be permitted [Vide G.O.(P) 1034/61/Pub. (Ser.D), dated 2nd December 1961 and G.O.(P) 570/62/Pub. (Ser. D), dated 25th October 1962]

Question .The rule which demands medical certificate of health of a persons who appointed to a post in government service is  
A:-Rule 13 
B:-Rule 15
C:-Rule 14

Correct Answer:- Option-A

13A. New recruits shall produce a form for Service and Payroll Administrative Repository for Kerala , duly filled up at the time of joining duty for registering their details.
Question .When is a new recruit to Government service required to produce form No. 15 for Service and Payroll Administrative Repository for Kerala (SPARK)
A:-Within 1 month of joining duty
B:-At the time of joining duty
C:-At the time of drawing the first salary
D:-As and when required by the appointing authority
Correct Answer:- B
Question .The Rule representing the new recruits to be filled by them for the purpose of the drawal of their pay and allowances in the SPARK is
A:-R 13 A
B:-R 12 A
C:-R 14
D:-R 15
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question .When is a new recruit to Government service required to produce form No. 15 for Service and Payroll Administrative Repository for Kerala (SPARK)
A:-Within 1 month of joining duty
B:-At the time of joining duty
C:-At the time of drawing the first salary
D:-As and when required by the appointing authority
Correct Answer:- B

14. Unless in any case it be otherwise distinctly provided, the whole time of an officer is at the disposal of the Government which pays him and he may be employed in any manner required by proper authority, without claim for additional remuneration, whether the services required of him are such as would ordinarily be remunerated from the General Revenues of India or of the States or the Revenues of a Local Fund or from the funds of a Body, incorporated or not , which is wholly or substantially owned or controlled by the Government.

Note 1.
Every officer must attend the office punctually. For every three day’s late attendance  without permission, an officer will forfeit a day’s casual leave for which he is eligible. The computation of the forfeiture of a day’s casual leave will be with respect to the calendar year and late attendance without permission for less than three days at the end of a calendar year will be ignored. 

 Which leave will be forfeited for every three days late a attendance without permission?
A:-Commuted leave
B:-Earned leave
D:-Casual leave
Correct Answer:- D:-Casual leave

Question .An officer attended late in the office for the last two days in the month of December. How many casual leaves will be forfeited for his two days late attendance? 

A:-1 day

B:-2 days

C:-half day

D:-No casual leave will be forfeited 

Correct Answer:- Option-D

Note 2
No other kind of leave except casual leave shall be forfeited for late attendance without permission. Disciplinary action under the may be taken against the officers concerned for late attendance without permission if there is no casual leave to be forfeited.
Disciplinary action may be taken against the officers concerned for late attendance with out permission if there is no casual leave to be forfeited under
A:-Kerala Govt. servants conduct rules
B:-Kerala civil services (CC and A) Rules 1960
C:-Manual of office procedure
D:-All the above
Correct Answer:- B:-Kerala civil services (CC and A) Rules 1960
Question .An officer is late for the last 3 days when he had no casual leave to be forfeited then the controlling officer may ____________
A:-forfeit a casual leave from the next year
B:-forfeit earned leave from his credit
C:-forfeit half-pay leave from his credit
D:-take disciplinary action against the officer
Correct Answer:- Option-D

.The period of unauthorized absence of an Officer on account of participation in strike shall be treated as ‘Dies-Non’. During the period of ‘Dies-Non’, he shall not be eligible for pay and allowances and the period shall not be counted for admissibility of earned leave. However, such period shall be counted for the purposes of increment and half pay leave, notwithstanding anything contained in any other rules in this part.


*This shall be deemed to have come into force with effect from 10th January, 2002.

Question . The period declared as Dies-Non will qualify for
A:-For increment
B:-Higher Grade
D:-All of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-D:-All of the above

Question.The period treated as dies non will count for

A:-Pay and allowances



D:-Earned leave

Correct Answer:- Option-B:-Increment

Question .Dies non’ is discussed in which rule

A:-Rule 14 Part I K.S.R
B:-Rule 24 Part I K.S.R.
C:-Rule 14 A Part I K.S.R.
D:-Rule 24 A Part I K.S.R.
Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question .During Dies-Non, an employee is eligible for?
A:-Pay and allowances for the period
B:-the period shall be counted from the admissibility of earned leave
C:-the period shall count for increment
D:-eligible for the all the above 1, 2 and 3
Correct Answer:- Option-C:-the period shall count for increment

Question .During Dies-non which of the following is correct? 

A:-During Dies-Non the officer shall eligible for pay and allowances and the period shall not count for earned leave

B:-During Dies-non the office shall  not eligible for pay and allowances and the period shall count for earned leave and half pay leave

C:-During Dies-Non the officer shall not eligible for pay and allowance and the period shall not count for increment half pay and earned leave

D:-During Dies-Non the officer shall not eligible for pay and allowance and the period shall not count for earned leave

Correct Answer:- Option-D:-During Dies-Non the officer shall not eligible for pay and allowance and the period shall not count for earned leave

Question.Dies-non will be reckoned for



C:-Earned Leave

D:-For both (1) and (2) 

Correct Answer:- Option-D:-For both (1) and (2) 

15. (a) Two or more officers cannot be appointed substantively to the same permanent post at the same time.
(b) An officer cannot be appointed substantively, except as a temporary measure, to two or more permanent posts at the same time.
(c) An officer cannot be appointed substantively to a post on which another officer holds a lien.
 An officer cannot be appointed substantively to a post on which another officer holds a lien is explained Rule ____________ of Part I KSR.
Correct Answer:- Option-A

16.  Unless in any case it be otherwise provided in these rules, an officer on substantive appointment to any permanent post acquires a lien on that post and ceases to hold any lien previously acquired on any other post.

17.  Unless his lien is suspended under Rule 18 or transferred under Rule 20 an officer holding substantively a permanent post retains a lien on that post

(a) while performing the duties of that post
(b)while on foreign service or holding a temporary post, or officiating in another post;
(c)during joining time on transfer to another post, unless he is transferred substantively to a post on lower pay, in which case his lien is transferred to the new post from the date on which he is relieved of his duties in the old post;

(d) while on leave;

(e) while under suspension; and

(f)while under training.

In which of the following circumstances the lien of an officer holding substantively a permanent post can be retained?
A:-while under suspension
B:-while on leave
C:-if he is appointment substantively to a permanent post outside the cadre on which he is borne
D:-Both 1 and 2
Correct Answer:- Option-D:-Both 1 and 2

Question.The lien of an officer may suspend by government
A:-When an officer having lien is appointed permanently to a post where another other has suspended lien
B:-When an officer is under suspension
C:-While undergoing training under R-17
D:-When the officer is enjoying time if not the transfer is on an appointment on substantive basis
Correct Answer:- Option-A:-When an officer having lien is appointed permanently to a post where another other has suspended lien



18. ➧(a) The Government shall suspend the lien of an officer on a permanent post which he holds substantively if he is appointed in a substantive capacity—

(1)  to a permanent post outside the cadre on which he is borne, or
(2)  provisionally to a post on which another officer would hold a lien had his lien not been suspended under this rule.


➧(b) The Government may, at their option, suspend the lien of an officer on a permanent post which he holds substantively, if he is transferred to foreign service or in circumstances not covered by clause (a) of this rule, is transferred, whether in a substantive or officiating capacity to a post in another cadre, and in any of these cases there is reason to believe that he will remain absent from the post on which he holds a lien for a period of not less than three years.


The lien of an officer on a permanent post should not be suspended when he is appointed to a higher post in a different cadre, in case the higher post falls within the regular line of promotion from the lower post

Question .The lien of an Officer may be suspended (not compulsory) if he is transferred to a post in another cadre provided that he will remain absent from the post for a period of:
(A) 2 years
(B) 4 years
(C) 3 years
(D) 5 years
Correct Answer- Option :(C) 3 years
Question .The lien of an Officer holding substantively a permanent is suspended: 
(A) While under suspension
(B) While officiating in another post
(C) When appointed to a higher post in a different cadre in case this post fall within the regular line of promotion from the lower post
(D) Appointed provisionally to a post on which another Officer would hold lien had his lien not suspended under KSR.
Correct Answer- Option: (D) Appointed provisionally to a post on which another Officer would hold lien had his lien not suspended under KSR.
Question .Government may suspend the lien
A:-While holding a temporary or officiating post
B:-When a permanent officer is appointed on substantive basis to a post in another cadre
C:-While during joining time unless the transfer is on an appointment on substantive basis
D:-Both (1) and (3)
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-When a permanent officer is appointed on substantive basis to a post in another cadre


(c)if an officer’s lien on a post is suspended under clause (a) or  (b) of this rule, the post may be filled substantively, and the officer appointed to hold it substantively, shall acquire a lien on it; provided that the arrangements shall be reversed as soon as the suspended lien revives.


When a post is filled substantively under this clause, the appointment will be termed a provisional appointment, the officer appointed will hold a provisional lien on the post and that lien will be liable to suspension under clause (a) but not under (b) of this rule.

REVIVAL OF LIEN 18(d)& 18(e)

(d) an officer’s lien which has been suspended under clause (a) of this rule shall revive as soon as he ceases to hold a lien on a post of the nature specified in sub-clause (1) or (2) of that clause.

➧(e)an officer’s lien which has been suspended under clause (b)  of this rule shall revive as soon as he ceases to be on foreign service or to hold a post in another cadre, provided that a suspended lien shall not revive because the officer takes leave, if there is reason to believe that he will on return from leave, continue to be on foreign service or to hold a post in another cadre and the total period of absence on duty will not fall short of three years or that he will hold substantively a post of the nature specified in sub-clause (1) or (2) of clause (a).

Note.-When it is known that an officer on transfer to post outside his cadre is due to retire on superannuation pension within three years of his transfer, his lien on the permanent post cannot be suspended. 


19.➧(a) An officer’s lien on a post may in no circumstances be terminated, even with his consent, if the result will be to leave him without a lien or a suspended lien upon a permanent post.

➧(b)In a case covered by sub-clause (2) of clause (a) of Rule 18, the suspended lien may not, except on the written request of the officer concerned, be terminated while the officer remains in Government service; provided that it shall be open to the competent authority to refuse consent for the confirmation or retention of an officer in a permanent post outside the cadre on which he is borne unless he makes a written request that his lien on the permanent post in his parent office should be terminated.


20.  Subject to the provisions of Rule 21 the Government may transfer to another permanent post in the same cadre the lien of an officer who is not performing the duties of the post to which the lien relates, even if that lien has been suspended.

21.➧(a) The Government may transfer an officer from one post to another; provided that,
(1)  on account of inefficiency or misbehavior, or
(2)  on his written request,

an officer shall not be transferred substantively to, or except in a case covered by Rule 58, appointed to officiate in a post carrying less pay than the pay of the permanent post on which he holds a lien, or would hold a lien had his lien not been suspended under Rule 18.

➧(b)Nothing contained in clause (a) of this rule or in clause (18) of Rule 12 shall operate to prevent the transfer of an officer to the post on which he would hold a lien, had it not been suspended in accordance with the provisions of clause (a) of Rule 18.

Note.-Permanent transfers from a higher to lower scale in anticipation of the abolition of a post are not transfers within the meaning of the above rule.

Question .Wilful absence from duty after the expiry of joining time may be treated as misbehaviour for the purpose of Rule ___________ of Part I KSR.
A:-Rule 21
B:-Rule 22
C:-Rule 137
D:-Rule 136
Correct Answer:- Option-A:-Rule 21

GPF- General Provident Fund

22. An officer may be required to subscribe to a provident fund, a family pension fund or similar fund in accordance with such rules as the Government may by order prescribe.

Note.1.-An officer who has entered service before the 19th August, 1976, may, however, opt to subscribe for a policy in the official Branch of the State Life Insurance instead of the Provident Fund.

Note.2.-*Officers who are subscribers to the Family Benefit Scheme, going on deputation/foreign service shall continue to subscribe to the Family Benefit Scheme and they themselves shall arrange for effecting recovery and remittance of the amount from their pay.

 The rule which insists a government employee to subscribe Provident Fund is 

A:-Rule 20

B:-Rule 21

C:-Rule 22 


Correct Answer:- Option-C:-Rule 22


22A. Any person who enters Government Service on or after 19th August, 1976 and has not crossed the age of 50 years, shall within a period of one month from the date of such entry in service, subscribe to a policy in the official branch of the State Life Insurance at such rate as may be determined by Government from time to time and shall continue to subscribe till he ceases to be in Government Service.

This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force with effect from 5th April, 1999.

Note.-*When an employee crosses one pay range to the next higher range, he shall take additional policy within 2 years of his coming to the next higher pay range. But this condition shall not apply to an employee who has attained the age of 45 years at the time of crossing over to the next higher range.

An employee who crosses one pay range to the next higher range he shall also take additional policy in the official branch of SLI. The time limit to take such an additional policy is
A:-within 3 months from the higher pay range
B:-there is no time limit but before next promotion
C:-within one year of his coming to the next higher pay range
D:-within two years of his coming to the next higher pay range
Correct Answer:- Option-D:-within two years of his coming to the next higher pay range

Question.What is the maximum time allowed for a new entrant in Government service who has not crossed the age of 50 years to subscribe to a policy in the official branch of the State Life Insurance?

A:-1 month
B:-3 months
C:-6 months
D:-9 months
Correct Answer:- A:-1 month


22 B. Any person who enters Government service on or after the 1st day of September, 1984 and has not crossed the age of 50 years, shall within a period of one year from the date of entry in service enroll as a member of Group Insurance Scheme and subscribe to the scheme at such rate as may be determined by Government from time to time and shall continue to subscribe till he ceases to be in Government Service.
Question .Government servants above ________ years are exempted from G.I.S.
Correct Answer:- Option- C:-50

@Note.-Officers who are subscribers to the Group Insurance Scheme going on deputation/foreign service shall continue to subscribe to the scheme and they shall arrange for effecting recovery and remittance of the amount from their pay.


22C. An Officer, who wishes to get his prior service, whether provisional or regular , in any department/institution, counted for any service benefit on entering Government service, shall apply for the same before the competent authority/ Government within a period of five years of the date of his entry in Government service. Under no circumstances, such orders shall be issued by the Competent Authority/Head of Department/Government within a period less than five years before the date of retirement on superannuation:

Question .An officer, who wishes to get his prior service, whether provisional or regular, in any department, counted for any service benefit on entering Government service shall apply before the competent authority within a period of ___________ from the date of entry in the service
A:-1 year
B:-2 years
C:-5 years
D:-10 years
Correct Answer:- C:-5 years
Question.An officer, who wishes to get his prior service, whether provisional or regular, in any department, counted for any service benefit on entering Government service shall apply before the competent authority within a period of ___________ from the date of entry in the service

A:-1 year
B:-2 years
C:-5 years
D:-10 years
Correct Answer:- Option-C

Provided that an Officer who is already in service, shall be entitled to prefer such claim within two years from the date of effect of this rule, and in which case, the concerned Head of Department and appointing authority shall take a decision on the above claim within a period of three years from the date of receipt of the claim or within a period of two years before the date of retirement on superannuation of the officer, which ever is later:

Provided further that this rule shall not apply to such Officers who are already in service and will superannuate on or before 31st December, 2011.

**This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force on the 6th day of November, 2006.


  1. 23
    .(a) Subject to any exceptions specifically made in these rules, an officer shall begin to draw the pay and allowances attached to his tenure of a post with effect from the date he assumes the duties of that post, and shall cease to draw them as soon as he ceases to discharge those duties. If the charge is transferred afternoon, the transfer does not affect pay and allowances until the next day.

Exception.-*An officer deputed for a course of instruction or training which is ordered to be treated as duty, if promoted to a higher post in the regular line during such course of instruction or training, may draw the pay thereof, without joining it, the benefit of promotion being given from the date his junior assumes charge of the higher post.

(b)    If, however, the substantive appointment of an officer is changed while he is officiating in an appointment, or if, while so officiating, an officer is appointed for the first time, to some substantive office, then, provided that the tenure of his officiating appointment is not interrupted by his new substantive appointment, he may draw the pay thereof without joining it from the date on which he is appointed thereto, or from any later date on which the substantive office becomes vacant.

(c) In the case of notional promotions back arrears of pay and allowances are not admissible.

Question.In the case of a Notional Promotion, the maximum period for payment  of arrear is 

A:-for a maximum period of one year

B:-one year prior to the date of order of promotion

C:-not admissible 

D:-one year prior to the date of occurrence of vacancy

Correct Answer:- Option-C:-not admissible

(d) Promotions which do not involve change of duties shall have effect from the date of occurrence of vacancy,  or the date of acquiring eligibility for promotions, whichever is later,  but monetary benefit shall be admissible only for a maximum period of one year prior to the date of order of promotion.

Note.-The detailed procedure to be followed when an officer assumes or relinquishes charge of an office is contained in  Appendix III.

Government Decision No. 1 

Questions have been raised regarding the authority competent to accept a resignation, the circumstances under which resignation should be accepted, the date when a resignation becomes effective, and the authority competent to permit a Government servant to withdraw a resignation which he has already tendered. The following instructions will be followed :

(a)Authority competent to accept resignation.
-The appointing authority in respect of the service or post in question is the authority competent to accept the resignation of the Government servant.

Question.Who is competent to accept resignation letter of a Government Employee 

A:-Appointing authority 


C:-Head of Department

D:-Head of Office

Correct Answer:- Option-A:-Appointing authority

Question.The authority competent to accept resignation of a Government servant is
A:-Chief Secretary to Government
B:-Head of Department
C:-Head of Officer
D:-Appointing authority of the post
Correct Answer:- D:-Appointing authority of the post

(b)Circumstances under which resignation should be accepted.-It is not in the interest of Government to retain an unwilling officer in service. The general rule, therefore, is that resignation from service should be accepted after settling the liabilities outstanding against the Government servant, except in the circumstances indicated below:-

(i) Where the officer concerned is engaged on work of importance and it would take time to make alternative arrangements for filling the post, the resignation should not be accepted straight away, but only, when alternative arrangements for filling the post have been made.

(ii)Where a Government servant who is under suspension submits a resignation, the competent authority should examine with reference to the merits of the disciplinary case pending against the Government servant whether it would be in the public interest to accept the under suspension. Exceptions to this rule would be where the alleged offences do not involve moral turpitude or where the quantum of evidence against the accused officer is not strong enough to justify the assumption that if the departmental proceedings were continued, the officer would be removed or dismissed from service or where the departmental proceedings are likely to be so protracted that it would be cheaper to the Public Exchequer to accept the resignation.

(c)Date when a resignation becomes effective.—The competent authority should decide the date with effect from which the resignation should become effective. In cases covered by (b) (i) above the date should be that with effect from which alternative arrangements can be made for filling the post. Where an officer is on leave, the competent authority should decide whether he will accept the resignation with immediate effect or with effect from the date following the termination of the leave. There is also no objection to a Government servant on leave being permitted to resign his post without rejoining duty after leave, provided the appointing authority so decides with due regard to the administrative convenience of the department. Where a period of notice is prescribed which a Government servant should give when he wishes to resign from service the competent authority may decide to count the period of leave towards the notice period. In other cases also it is open to the competent authority to decide whether the resignation should become effective immediately or with effect from some prospective date. In the latter case, the date should be specified.

(d) Authority competent to permit withdrawal of resignation.- A resignation becomes effective when it is accepted and the officer is relieved of his duties. Where a resignation has not become effective and the officer wishes to withdraw it, it is open to the authority which accepted the resignation either to permit the officer to withdraw the resignation or to refuse the request for such withdrawal. Where, however, a resignation has become effective, the officer is no longer in Government service and acceptance of the request for withdrawal of resignation would amount to re-employing him in service after condoning the period of break.

Concurrence of ‘Finance’, and the Public Service Commission, wherever necessary, should be obtained before a request for withdrawal of resignation which has already become effective, is accepted.

Question.Request for withdrawing resignation after it has become effective was accepted and the officer admitted to duty. The past service will count  for
(A) Pay fixation only
(B) Leave only
(C) For all service benefits.
(D) The purpose of pension if otherwise admissible
Correct Answer- Option: (D) The purpose of pension if otherwise admissible

Government Decision No.2
Condonation of the period of break and revival of past service in such cases will be for the purpose of pension only, if it is otherwise admissible. The Government servant’s earlier service will not count for fixation of pay, increment or leave. His pay will be fixed at the minimum of the scale of pay of the post to which he is re-employed after resignation and the period of break will be treated as a period spent out of employment.

Question .Request for withdrawing resignation after it has become effective was accepted and the officer admitted to duty. The past service will count for
(A) Pay fixation only
(B) Leave only
(C) For all service benefits.
(D) The purpose of pension if otherwise admissible
Correct Answer- Option: (D) The purpose of pension if otherwise admissible

Unless the Government in view of the special circumstances of the case, otherwise determine, after five years’ continuous absence from duty, an officer shall be removed from service after following the procedure laid down in the Kerala Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1960, * except in cases covered by Rule 24A.

This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force with effect from 16th December, 1983. 

Question .An officer who absents himself for 5 years continuously shall be removed from service under which rule?
A:-KS and SST
B:-KSR Vol I
C:-KCS Rules
D:-KCS (CC & A) Rules
Correct Answer:- D:-KCS (CC & A) Rules

24A. Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, if an officer who availed himself of leave without allowances to take up employment abroad or within the country **[or for joining spouse] for a total period of  twenty years, whether continuously or in broken periods, does not return to duty immediately on the expiry of the leave, his service shall be terminated after following the procedure laid down in the kssr.

Note.- This rule shall have effect from the 16th day of December, 1983 and shall apply to all cases of grant of leave without allowances on or after that date, for taking up employment abroad or within the country, in extension of the leave already granted or otherwise, and such leave granted before that date shall be reckoned for applying the twenty years limit.