January 20, 2025


  1. Compensatory Allowances.-Subject to the general rule that the amount of compensatory allowances should be so regulated that the allowance is not on the whole a source of profit to the recipient the Government may grant such allowances to any officer under its control and may make rules prescribing their amounts and the conditions under which they may be drawn. (For rules made under the above Rule See  Appendix IV).
  1. Unless otherwise ordered by Government, a compensatory allowance shall ordinarily be drawn only by a Government servant actually on duty, but the authority competent to sanction leave may in writing permit it to be drawn by the officer on earned leave, if the whole or a considerable part of the expense to meet which the allowance was granted continues to be incurred by him during the leave:

 Provided the Government Servant certifies that he continued for the period  for which the allowance is claimed, to incur the whole or a considerable part  of the expense for which the allowance was granted:

 Provided further that the officer is due to return after leave to the same post or station, as the case may be from which he proceeded on leave or to a similar post or station for which the allowance at the same or a higher rate is admissible:

 Provided further when the Government servant on return from leave is posted to a post other than the one from which he went on leave and both the posts carry similar allowances but at different rates, the Government servant shall during leave draw the lesser of the two rates.

  1. (A) Subject to the second and third provisions to clause I above, compensatory allowance granted under class VI (c) in Appendix IV may be drawn during periods of earned leave:
  1. A compensatory allowance granted under class IV, Appendix IV may be drawn during temporary transfer, if

(i)  the authority sanctioning the transfer certifies that the Government servant is likely, on the expiry of the temporary duty, to return to the station from which he is transferred ;

(ii)  the Government servant draws no allowance of the same kind in the post to which he is transferred; and

(iii)   the Government servant certifies that he kept his family, for the period for which the allowance is claimed, at the station from which he proceeded on transfer.

 III. A compensatory allowance granted under class VI,  Appendix IV may be drawn during temporary transfer, if

(i)  the authority sanctioning the transfer, certifies that the Government servant is likely on the expiry of the transfer, to return to the post to which the allowance is attached or to another post carrying a similar allowance; and

(ii)  the Government servant certifies that he continued for the period for which the allowance is claimed to incur the whole or a considerable part of the expenditure for which the allowance was granted.

Note.-The certificate under clause (ii) above will be dispensed with when it is inapplicable.

  1. If a Government servant in his old post drew compensatory allowance granted under Class IV, or Class VI of Appendix IV (but not in an individual capacity) and is transferred to another post, he may be allowed the compensatory allowance during joining time as applicable to the old station from which he was transferred. He may also be allowed house rent allowance during transit as applicable to the old station from which he was transferred. He shall not be allowed conveyance allowance or Permanent Travelling Allowance.

Government Decision No. 1

Notwithstanding anything contained in the second and third provisos to Rule 44 (I), Part I Kerala Service Rules, House Rent Allowance and City Compensatory Allowance admissible from time to time will be payable during the periods of leave with allowances, including leave preparatory to retirement, if the total period of such leave at a time does not exceed 180 days or if the actual duration of the leave exceeds 180 days, for the first 180 days of such leave.

This shall be deemed to have come into force w.e.f. 25th July, 1995.

Government Decision No.2 


  1. 45.  The Government may make rules or issue orders laying down the principles governing the allotment to officers, for use by them as residences, of such buildings owned or leased by it, or such portions thereof, as the Government may make available for the purpose. Such rules or orders may lay down different principles for observance in different localities or in respect of different classes of residence, and may prescribe the circumstances in which such an officer shall be considered to be in occupation of a residence.


  1. Fees.-The Government may permit an officer, if it be satisfied that this can be done without detriment to his official duties or responsibilities, to perform a specified service or series of services for a private person or body or for a public body including a body administering a local fund or for another Government and to receive as remuneration therefore, if the service be material a non recurring or recurring fee.

Note.-This rule does not apply to the acceptance of fees from private persons by medical officers in Government employ for professional attendance which is regulated by separate orders of Government.

  1. No officer may undertake work for another Government, or a private or public body or a private person, or accept fee therefore, without the sanction of the Government.

 Note.-Heads of department, while forwarding their recommendations in such cases shall unless the officer is on leave, specifically state whether the work can be undertaken by the officer concerned without detriment to his official duties and responsibilities.

Government Decision 

*In respect of examinations conducted by the Education Department, the Public Service Commission, the University etc., it is not necessary to accord individual sanction for acceptance of remuneration in every case of Government servant undertaking such work. Any officer of Government, who is called upon to undertake work in connection with the examination, conducted by the following examining bodies, will be permitted to accept such assignment and the remuneration therefore with effect from 1st November 1959:

  1. The Kerala University and other Universities.

2.The Union Public Service Commission, the Public Service Commission of the States and the Secretarial Training School, Cabinet Secretariat of the Government of India.

  1. The London Chamber of Commerce.
  2. The Departments of this Government.
  3. The Forest Research Institute and Colleges, Dehra Dun and Coimbatore.

6.The Kerala State Co-operative Union in respect of Co-operative Subordinate Personnel Training Examination.

The restriction to Government employees for taking employment in another Government, Private Body without sanction from Government is
A:-Rule 13
B:-Rule 47
C:-Rule 56
Correct Answer:- B:-Rule 47
  1. 48. *Unless the Government by special order otherwise direct, one-third of any non-recurring fee exceeding #    2000 or one-third of any recurring fee exceeding #    1250 a year, paid to an officer, shall be credited to the General Revenues.

 Note 1.-If any fee to which this rule applies exceeds #   2000 non-recurring or #   1250 a year recurring one-third of the total amount payable should be credited to the General Revenues, provided that the amount retained by the officer concerned will not, merely owing to the operation of this rule, be reduced below #   2000, if non-recurring or #   1250 a year if recurring.

 Non-recurring and recurring fees should be dealt with separately and should not be added for the purpose of crediting one-third to General Revenues

Note 2.-The above rule does not apply to fees received by officers from a University or other examining body in return for their services as examiners or from the revenues of another Government in return for their services to that Government* and also to the royalties received by officers from the publishers for the sale of the books written by them even with the aid of knowledge acquired during the course of their service.


  1. Honoraria.-The Government may grant or permit an officer to receive an honorarium as remuneration for work performed which is occasional in character and either so laborious or of such special merit as to justify a special reward. Except when special reasons, which should be recorded in writing exist, for a departure from this provision, sanction to the grant or acceptance of an honorarium should not be given unless the work has been undertaken with the prior consent of the Government and its amount has been settled in advance.

 Government Decision No. 1

The following allowances will be classified as honoraria under this rule :

1.Overtime allowance. 

2.Allowance given to Wardens and Assistant Wardens of hostels. 

001. Allowance to wardens of hostels is treated as
A:-Special allowance
B:-Personal pay
C:-Compassionate allowance
Correct Answer:- Option-D:-Honorarium

002. Which of the following is not treated as honoraria? 

A:-Remuneration given to officers for conduct of Examination for Kerala State Co-operative Union
B:-Allowance given to Wardens and Assistant Wardens of hotels

C:-Travelling Allowance given to officer for his official journey

D:-Over time allowance to officers
Correct Answer:- Option-A:-Remuneration given to officers for conduct of Examination for Kerala State Co-operative Union

003. Over time allowance is classified as
B:-Special pay
C:-Compensatory allowance
Correct Answer:- Option-D:-honorarium

004. Which of the following is not treated as honoraria?
A:-Remuneration given to officers for conduct of Examination for Kerala State Co-operative Union
B:-Allowance given to Wardens and Assistant Wardens of hotels
C:-Traevlling Allowance given to officer for his official journey
D:-Over time allowance to officers
Correct Answer:- Option
A:-Remuneration given to officers for conduct of Examination for Kerala State Co-operative Union

Government Decision No. 2

 **When State Government Officers required to attend the meetings of the Interview Board of the Kerala Public Service Commission are not eligible for Travelling Allowance under the rules, they shall be paid an honorarium equivalent to the daily allowance admissible under Rule 39, Part II, Kerala Service Rules.

 Effective from 22nd January 1969.

Government Decision No. 3 

The conditions of prior consent and the settlement of the amount in advance referred to in the last sentence of this rule will not apply to any work ordered to be done at Government level.

Government Decision No. 4 

When members of the Boards for various examinations conducted by the Commissioner for Government Examinations required to attend to the meetings of the Boards are not entitled to Travelling Allowance and Daily Allowance under the rules, they shall be paid an honorarium equivalent to the Daily Allowance admissible under Rule 39, Part II, Kerala Service Rules.

 This decision will be deemed to have come into force with effect from 17th January 1972.

  1. Fees and Honoraria.-In the case of both fees and honoraria the sanctioning authority shall record in writing that due regard has been paid to the general principle enunciated in Rule 14 and shall record also the reasons which in his opinion justify the grant of the extra remuneration.
Which of the following is not treated as honoraria? 

A:-Remuneration given to officers for conduct of Examination for Kerala State Co-operative Union
B:-Allowance given to Wardens and Assistant Wardens of hotels

C:-Travelling Allowance given to officer for his official journey

D:-Over time allowance to officers
Correct Answer:- Option-A

  1. 51.Any officer is eligible to receive without special permission

(a)  the premium awarded for an essay or plan in public competition;

(b)  any reward offered for the arrest of a criminal or for information or special service in connection with the administration of justice;

(c)any reward payable in accordance with the provisions of any Act or Regulation or Rules framed thereunder;

(d)any reward sanctioned for services in connection with the administration of the customs and excise laws;

(e)  any fees payable to an officer for the duties which he is required to perform in his official capacity under any special law or by order of Government; and

(f)any remuneration paid by the All India Radio for professional performances in its programmes, such as music, drama and the like.


Note.-Sanction of the authorities mentioned below is, however, necessary for accepting remuneration for giving talks over the All India Radio by Government Officers:

 Name of Officers giving the talk  Name of authority whose permission   is required
Chief Secretary and Secretaries Minister concerned
Heads of department Secretaries concerned
Officers subordinate to Heads of Heads of Departments Departments
1.The officer who require the sanction of the authorities for accepting remuneration for giving talks over the All India Radio
A:-Chief Secretary
B:-Secretary to Govt.
C:-Head of Department
D:-All of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-D:-All of the above

002. Sanction of the Minister concerned is ___________ for accepting remuneration for giving talks over AIR by the chief secretary
A:-Not necessary
D:-None of the above
Correct Answer:- Option-B:-Necessary

003. Permission from concerned Minister is required for a Secretary to Government for accepting a remuneration or reward:
(A) Sanctioned for services in connection with the administration of Customs and Excise Laws
(B) Awarded for essay in public competition
(C) Offered for the arrest of a Criminal
(D) Paid for giving a talk over All India Radio

Correct Answer- Option :(D) Paid for giving a talk over All India Radio

  1. 52. An officer whose duties involve the carrying out of scientific or technical research shall not apply for or obtain, or cause or permit any other person to apply for or obtain, a patent for an invention made by such officer save with the permission of the Government and in accordance with such conditions as the Government may impose.