January 20, 2025


  1. (a) #Except as otherwise provided in these rules the date of compulsory retirement of an officer shall take effect from the afternoon of the last day of the month in which he attains the age of 56 years. He may be retained after this date only with the sanction of the Government on public grounds which must be recorded in writing, but he must not be retained after the age of 60 years except in very special circumstances.

    **(a a)An Officer in the Kerala Judicial Service or the Kerala State Higher Judicial Service shall ordinarily retire when he attains the age of 60 years; but he shall have the option to retire when he attains the age of 58 years. His continuance in service beyond the age of 58 years shall however be subject to review by the High Court as per the provisions of the Kerala Judicial Service Rules and the Kerala State Higher Judicial Service Rules.

    (a b) *A person appointed as Industrial Tribunal shall retire on superannuation at the age of 60 years.

    (ac) A person appointed as Vigilance Tribunal under the Kerala Civil Services (Vigilance Tribunal) Rules, 1960 shall retire on superannuation at the age of 60 years.

    # (ad)Doctors in the Medical category under the Medical Education Service and the Dental Colleges and Dental Wings in the Medical Colleges and the teaching staff, including Principals of the Ayurveda Colleges and Homoeopathic Medical Colleges shall retire on the afternoon of the last day of the month in which they attain the age of 60 years:

    Provided that this provision shall not be applicable to the faculties in Nursing, Pharmacy and non-medical category under the Medical Education Service.

    This sub-rule shall be deemed to have come into force in the case of the Doctors in the medical category under the Medical Education Service on the 1st day of May, 2009, in the case of the Doctors working in the Dental Colleges and the Dental Wings in the Medical Colleges, on the 30th day of March, 2012, in the case of the teaching staff of the Ayurveda Colleges on the 7th day of April, 2012 and in the case of the teaching staff of the Homoeopathic Medical Colleges on the 9th day of April, 2012.

    (ae) The categories of teaching staff including Principals mentioned in the sub-rule(ad) who complete the age of 60 years during the course of an academic year shall continue in service till the last day of the month in which the academic year ends; but the extended period of service shall not be reckoned for any service benefits such as increment, higher grade, accrual of leave, promotion and pay revision effective from a date after the date of superannuation under sub-rule(ad). The period shall not be counted as qualifying service for pension and the pay received during the period shall not be reckoned for computing average emoluments or pensionary benefits or commuted value of pension. If they are on leave on the day they attain the age of 60 years and fail to rejoin duty on the first working day immediately after the date of superannuation, they shall be retired with effect from the date of superannuation under sub-rule (ad). But, in cases where officers coming under this rule are under suspension on the date of superannuation or thereafter, but before the closing day of the academic year, they shall be retired from service on the date of superannuation or on the date of suspension, whichever is later.

    If, the day on which the categories of teaching staff including Principals mentioned in the sub-rule (ad) attain the age 60 years falls within the period of one month beginning with the day of reopening of the institutions, they shall cease to be on duty with effect from the date of such reopening and they shall be granted additional leave from the date of reopening to the last day of the month in which they attain the age of 60 years. They shall be entitled to the benefit of increment if it falls due before the actual date on which they attain the age of 60 years.

    The additional leave granted under this sub-rule shall not be counted against the eligible leave but shall be counted for pension. During the period of leave they may draw leave allowance at the same rate as the pay and allowances they would have drawn if they were on duty;

Note 1.- Even in cases where it is found absolutely necessary to retain the service of a teaching staff specified in sub-rule (ad), who has attained the age of 60 years, as far as possible only re-employment after retirement shall be resorted to, which shall not ordinarily be sanctioned for more than one year at a time.

Note 2.- Completion of 60 years of age in service shall be in the afternoon and not in the forenoon. If the date of birth of a person is the first day of July, he completes his 60th year on the 30th day of June, and that date (30th June) is the last day of the month in which he completes the 60th year. If on the first day of July he is on his 61st year and that day is a non-working day for him, he shall cease to be in service on and from the 1st day of July.

Note 3.- A teaching staff specified in sub-rule (ad) whose date of birth is the first day of July and who attains the age of 60 years shall not be allowed to continue in service till the end of the academic year.

(af)The date of compulsory retirement of an officer appointed on or after the 1st day of April, 2013 and who is a member of National Pension System shall take effect from the afternoon of the last day of the month in which he attains the age of 60 years. He may be retained after this date only with the sanction of the Government on public grounds which must be recorded in writing, but he must not be retained after the age of 64 years except in very special circumstances.

The teaching staff of all educational institutions (including Principals of Colleges) who complete the age of 60 years during the course of an academic year shall continue in service till the last day of the month in which the academic year ends, but the extended period of service shall not be reckoned for any service benefits such as increment, higher grade, accrual of leave, promotion and pay revision effective from a date after the date of superannuation. If they are on leave on the day they attain the age of 60 years and fail to rejoin duty on the first working day immediately after the date of superannution, they shall be retired with effect from the date of superannution. But, in cases where officers coming under this rule are under suspension on the date of superannuation or thereafter,  but before the closing day of the academic year, they shall be retired from service on the date of superannuation or on the date of suspension, whichever is later.

If, however, the day on which teaching staff, (including Principals of Colleges) attain the age of 60 years falls within the period of one month beginning with the day of reopening of the institutions, they shall cease to be on duty with effect from the date of such, reopening and they shall be granted additional leave from the date of reopening to the last day of the month in which they attain the age of 60 years. They shall be entitled to the benefit of increment if it falls due before the actual date on which they attain the age of 60 years.

If they are eligible to continue in service till the close of the academic year under the 2nd paragraph of this sub-rule, they shall be granted additional leave from the date of closing for vacation till the last day of the month, when the date of closing is earlier than the last day of the month.

The additional leave granted under this sub-rule will not be counted against the eligible leave. During the period of leave they will draw leave allowance at the same rate as the pay and allowances they would have drawn if they were on duty.

Explanation :- For the purpose of this sub-rules, ‘the teaching staff’ means those employees included in the Explanation to sub-rule (c).

Note 1.- Even in cases where it is found absolutely necessary to retain the service of an officer who has attained the age of 60 years as far as possible only re-employment after retirement shall be resorted to which shall not ordinarily be sanctioned for more than one year at a time.

 Note 2.- Completion of 60 years of age in service shall be in the afternoon and not in the forenoon. A person whose date of birth is first day of July completes his 60th years on 30th day of June, and that date (30th June) is the last day of the month in which he completes the 60th year.

If on first day of July he is on his 61st year and that day is a nonworking day for him. He shall cease to be in service on and from the 1st day of July.

Note 3.- A teaching staff whose date of birth is first day of July and who attains the age of 60 years shall not be allowed to continue in service till the end of the academic year.

Note 4.- In cases where the academic year in respect of the institutions under the Director of Public Instrucion is extended beyond the 31st of March in any year, the teaching staff of such institutions who are allowed to continue in service beyond the date of superannuation under the second para of sub-rule (af) shall retire on the last day of March itself.

(b) †Officers in the Last Grade Service on7thApril 1970 will retire on the afternoon of the last day of the month in which they attain the age of 60 years provided that this benefit will be available to them only as long as they continue to be in the Last Grade Service as defined in Rule 12 (16-A).

Note 1.-

Ex-servicemen who were in armed force prior to 7thApril, 1970 and who have been appointed as Last Grade Employees in the Last Grade Service in the State after 7th April 1970 will also be eligible for the benefit of the above rule provided they continue to be in the Last Grade Service.

Note 2.-

The patient employees appointed as Hospital attendant Grade II in the Leprosy Hospitals under Health Services Department will also be eligible for the benefit of the above rule irrespective of the date of appointment.

(c)  ! The teaching staff of all Educational Institutions (including Principals of Colleges) who complete the age of 56 years during the course of an academic year shall continue in service till the last day of the month in which the academic year ends; but the extended period of service shall not be reckoned for any service benefits such as increment, higher grade, accrual of leave, promotion and pay revision effective from a date after the date of superannuation under sub-rule (a) of rule 60. The period shall not be counted as qualifying service for pension and the pay received during the period shall not be reckoned for computing average emoluments or pensionary benefits or commuted value of pension. If they are on leave on the day they attain the age of 56 years and fail to rejoin duty on the first working day immediately after the date of superannuation, they shall be retired with effect from the date of superannuation under sub-rule (a) of rule 60. But, in cases where officers coming under this rule are under suspension on the date of superannuation or thereafter, but before the closing day of the academic year, they shall be retired from service on the date of superannuation or on the date of suspension, whichever is later.

If, however, the day on which the teaching staff (including Principals of Colleges) attain the age of 56 years falls within the period of one month beginning with the day of reopening of the institutions, they shall cease to be on duty with effect from the date of such reopening and they shall be granted additional leave from the date of reopening to the last day of the month in which they attain the age of 56 years. They shall be entitled to the benefit of increment if it falls due before the actual date on which they attain the age of 56 years.

If they are eligible to continue in service till the close of the academic year under the 1st paragraph of this sub-rule, they shall be granted additional leave from the date of closing for vacation till the last day of the month when the date of closing is earlier than the last day of the month.

The additional leave granted under this sub-rule will not be counted against the eligible leave and will count for pension. During the period of leave they will draw leave allowance at the same rate as the pay and allowances they would have drawn if they were on duty.

Explanation.-For the purpose of this sub-rule, ‘teaching staff’ includes-

(1)  Assistant Educational Officers, including Deputy Inspectors of Malabar area.

(2)  District Educational Officers and officers belonging to the cadre, but working in other assignment.

(3)  The following officers of the State Institute of Education, namely :

(a)Junior Evaluation Officer,

(b)   Special Assistant in English,

(c) Technical Assistant,

(d) Text Books Research Officer,

(e)    Education Techniques Officer,

(f)  Junior Science Consultant,

(g)  Instructors in Science, and

(h)  Staff drafted from the teaching staff of Education Department, provided the continuance of this staff in service till the closing day of schools is absolutely essential in the interest of work and that they are entitled to this benefit in their parent Department.

† Items (1) and (2) above shall be deemed to have come into force with effect from 9th August 1968 and item No (3) shall be deemed to have come into force with effect from 8th May 1969.
(4) (a) Director of Collegiate Education. Effective from 9th June 1971.

(b) Additional Director of Collegiate Education.

(c)  Deputy Director of Collegiate Education. **Note 1.- The extended period of service under sub-rule (c) shall be reckoned for all service benefits such as increment, pension, higher grade, accrual of leave, promotion and pay revision. ^ Note 2.-† Item (b) shall be deemed to have been added with effect from the 26th November 1980 and item (c) shall be deemed to have been added with effect from 21st August 1974.

(d)  Assistant Director of Collegiate Education.

(e)  Special Officer (University Grants Commission Schemes) # Note 3.-The items (d) and (e) shall be deemed to have come into force with effect from the 8th July 1981. !(5) Special Officer for Direct Payment in the Department of Collegiate Education. This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force with effect from 11th December 1972.

(6) The following Officers appointed from the teaching department of the Medical College Service, namely :-
(a) Director of Medical Education, and
(b)  Joint Director of Medical Education

(7) The following officers appointed from the Teaching  Staff of  the Technical Education Department:
(a) Director of Technical Education.
(b)  Joint Director of Technical Education.
(c)  Professor (Direct payment).
(d)  Deputy Director of Technical Education.
(e) Joint Controller of Technical Examinations.
(f)  Training Officers.
(g) Technical Officer.
(h)    Stock Verification Officer.
(i)  Assistant Director of Technical Education.
(j)   Special Officers appointed for starting of Technical Educational Institutions.
(k) Director, Kerala State Science and Technology Museum, Thiruvananthapuram.
(l)   Director, Institute of Human Resource of Development for Electronics.
(m)   Public Relations Officer, Directorate of Technical Education, Thiruvananthapuram.

Note.- The benefit of Rule 60 (c) part I Kerala Service Rules will be available to the above officers only if the incumbents holding the posts descent from the teaching faculty.
The items (a) to (j) above shall be deemed to have come into force on the 2nd day of July 1990 and items (k) to (m) shall be deemed to have come into force on the 19th day of October 1990.

Note 2.-The teaching staff referred to in the above rule who are past the age of 55 years on the 4th day of May 1967 or who attain the age of 55 years within a period of three months from that date will continue in service till the closing day of the academic year 1967-68 (Notes 1 and 2 shall be deemed to have come into force with effect from the 4th day of May 1967).

Note 3.-Even in cases where it is found absolutely necessary to retain the services of an officer who has attained the age of **56 years as far as possible only re-employment after retirement should be resorted to, which shall not ordinarily be sanctioned for more than one year at a time.

Year of birth is known but not the exact month 

Note 4.-In the case of an officer whose year of birth is known but not the exact month and date the first July shall be taken as the date of birth; where the year and month are known but not the exact date, the 16th day of the month shall be taken as the date of birth.

🆀When the year of birth of an officer is known but not the exact month and date, his date of birth is taken as
A:-1st January of the year
B:-15th July of the year
C:-1st June of the year
D:-1st July of the year
Correct Answer:- Option-D:-1st July of the year

🆀The year and month of birth of an Officer is known but the date of birth is not known. The date of birth shall be taken as:
(A) 1st of the month
(B) 15th of the month
(C) 16th of the month
(D) Last day of the month

Correct Answer- Option :(C) 16th of the month

Note 5.-Except when extension of service is specifically sanctioned the retirement of an officer is automatic and no separate sanction is required.

Note 6.- For the purpose of this rule as well as the rules in Appendix X, in the case of an officer who entered service prior to first January 1950 and whose date of birth has been noted in Malabar Era in the Service Records, the age may be calculated in the Malabar Era.

**Note 7 .-Completion of 56 years of age in service is in the afternoon and not in the forenoon. A person whose date of birth is first of July completes his 56th year on 30th June, and that date (30th June) is the last  day of the month in which he completes the 56th year.  On first of July he is on his 57th year and that day is a non-working day for him. He shall cease to be in service on and from the 1st July.


**Note 8.-A teacher whose date of birth is first July and who attains the age of 56 years shall not continue in service till the end of the academic year.

Note 9.-The benefit contemplated in sub-rule (b) above will not be available to those reverted to the Last Grade Service, other wise than for want of vacancy.
(This will take effect from the date of orders).

!Note 10.- In this rule the words “Last day of the month” used mean the last day of the month in Christian Era. In cases where the date of superannuation is calculated in the Malabar Era in accordance with Note 6, the corresponding date in the Christian Era shall be reckoned for arriving at the last day of the month.

This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force with effect on and from 5th April 1974.
**Note 11.- In cases where the academic year in respect of the institutions under the Director of Public Instruction is extended beyond the 31st of March in any year, the teaching staff of such institutions who are allowed to continue in service beyond the date of superannuation under sub-rule (c) shall retire on the last day of March itself.

**Note 12.-The benefit contemplated in sub-rule (b) above will be available to the following categories of employees also from the dates indicated against each.

 Category  Date from which the benefit shall be deemed to have come into force
 1.(i)  Full time Contingent Employees who were appointed as provisional employees for the period from 1.4.1965 to 31-3-1968 and absorbed as Last Grade Employees of regular
establishment with effect from 7.4.1970.
 (ii)  Full time Contingent Employees who were 29.11.1989
appointed as provisional employees for the period from 1.4.1968 to 7.4.1970 and absorbed as Last Grade Employees of regular establishment with effect from 7.4.1970
 2.  2 Village men who were in service on 7.4.1970 and
who are continuing as such
 3  Ex-Servicemen who had been in Armed Forces
prior to 7-4-1970 and appointed as Village men in
the State Service after 7.4.1970 and continuing
as such.
 *4   Ex-Assam Rifles personnel who were in Assam
Rifles prior to 7th April, 1970 and who have been
appointed as Last Grade Employees in the Last
Grade Service in the State Service after the 7th
April, 1970 and continuing as such
 **5  Ex-CRPF personnel who were in CRPF prior to 7th  April , 1970 and who have been appointed as Last Grade Employees in the service of the State after 7th April 1970 and continuing as such.   29-5-2000
 **6  Ex-BSF personnel who were in BSF prior to 7thApril, 1970 and who have been appointed as Last Grade Employees in the service of the State after 7th April 1970 and continuing as such.    24-7-2001

They shall come into force at once.

**[G O(P) No. 11/1996/Fin., Dated 01/01/1996]
* [G O(P) No.904/1997/Fin., Dated 22/10/1997]

Ruling No. 1
The term “educational institution” mentioned in the above rule will include besides the institutions coming under the Education Department, Institutions such as Medical Colleges, Agricultural Colleges, Veterinary Colleges, Engineering Colleges, Law Colleges, Training Colleges, Polytechnics, Industrial Schools, Fisheries Schools and such other Educational Institutions which have regular authorised vacations.

Ruling No. 2 
The teaching staff of educational institutions who are allowed to continue in service beyond the date of superannuation till the end of the academic year will not be eligible for any leave other than casual leave during the period of their service beyond the date of superannuation and if they apply for any leave other than casual leave during the period, they shall be retired from service from the date of such application for leave.

If retirement age is 56

Date of birth: 1-1-1969

Retirement: 31-12-2024

Date of birth: 2-1-1969

Retirement: 31-1-2025

Date of birth: 1-07-1969

Retirement: 30-6-2025

Date of birth: 2-07-1969

Retirement: 31-7-2025

Date of birth: 25-11-1969

Retirement: 30-11-2025

For Teachers

Date of birth: 1-7-1969


Date of birth: 2-7-1969


(Only pay and allowance from 1-8-2025 to  31-3-2026)

Date of birth: 1-1-1969 

Retirement : 31-12-2024

( Only pay and allowance from 1-1-2025 to  31-3-2025)

Date of birth: 2-1-1969

Retirement: 31-1-2025

(Only pay and allowance  1-2-2026 to 31-3-2026)

Date of birth : 25-11-1969

Retirement : 30-11-2025

( Only pay and allowance  1-12-2026 to 31-03-2026)