- No teacher shall, except with the previous sanction of the Government take part in the promotion, registration or management of any Bank or Company.
- No teacher shall serve or accept paid employment in any Company or mutual benefit Society or Co-operative Society or act as an agent whether paid by salary or commission to any insurance Company or society. Where however no remuneration is accepted, there is no objection to a teacher’s taking part in the management of a mutual benefit society if he has first obtained the sanction of the District Educational Officer and if a certificate to the effect that the work undertaken will be performed without detriment to his official duties is furnished.
- No teacher shall except with the previous sanction of the Government engage directly or indirectly in any trade or business or undertake any employment:
Provided that a teacher may without such sanction undertake honorary work of social or charitable nature, or work of a literary, artistic, or scientific character, subject to the condition that his official duties do not thereby suffer; but he shall not undertake or shall discontinue such work if so directed by the Government. [x x x x x x] Deleted by Leg: Assembly
[8 to 13 x x x x x x]
- No teacher shall except with the previous sanction of the Director own wholly [x x] or conduct or participate in the editing or management of any newspaper or other periodical publication. Such sanction will be given only in the case of newspapers or publications mainly devoted to the discussion of topics not of a political character such for instance as art, science or literature.
[15. x x x x x x] Deleted by Leg: Assembly.
- When a teacher is suspended he must give his address to the Manager, the Headmaster and the Educational Officer and also to the Officer, if any, holding an enquiry into his conduct.
- Teachers are at liberty to become members, representatives, or office bearers of Service Associations formed by them and Government may recognise them.
Teachers are at liberty to become members, representatives or office bearers of Service Associations formed by them and Govt. may recognise them as per:
(A) Rule 17 Ch XIV B
(B) Rule 5 of Ch XIV A.
(C) Rule 6 of Ch XIV AA
(D) Rule 8 of Ch XIV C
Correct Answer- Option: (A) Rule 17 Ch XIV B
- No teacher who has a wife living shall contractanother marriage without first obtaining the permission of the Government notwithstanding that such subsequent marriage is permissible under the personal law for the time being applicable to him.
No aided school teacher exists in service who is governed by the rules in chapter ………. of KERs.
Correct Answer- Option: (B) XIVB