January 20, 2025
1. The number of persons that may be appointed in the Non- teaching establishment of aided schools may be as follows-
High Schools (complete)
1. One Lower Division Clerk for schools with a strength
below 1500 and two for schools with a strength of
1500 and above and excluding the strength in the
Lower Primary Classes, if any.
2. Peons Two in general.
3. Sweepers and other staff –

Two full time posts for Schools having a strength of 700 and above up to1500,

Three posts for schools having a strength of 1500
and above.

For strength below 700, only one full
time post will be allowed.

These persons are intended to be Sweepers, Scavengers, Watchers, Gardeners etc.

ln computing the strength of High Schools, the
strength in Lower Primary classes, if any, shall be

1. No of posts of L.D. Clerks sanctioned to a complete high school with strength of 1600 is:
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 4
(D) 3
Correct Answer- Option: (B) 2

2. In High School (complete) with strength below……….one post of lower division clerk will be sanctioned.

(A) 1600
(B) 1500
(C) 1750
(D) 2000
ANSWER:- (B) 1500
3. The number of posts of Clerks admissible for a school having a student’s strength of 2,000 is:
(A) 3
(B) 2
(C) 1
(D) 4
Correct Answer-Option: (B) 2

1. The No. of posts of peons admissible for High Schools is:
(A) 3
(B) 1
(C) 4
(D) 2

2. The number of posts of Peon’s that can be sanctioned High School having a student’s strength of 2000 is:
(A) One
(B) Three
(C) Four
(D) Two
Correct Answer- Option: (D) Two
1. The number of posts of F.T.M.s admissible for a High School having 1,450 pupils including U.P. Section is
(A) 1
(B) 1
(C) 2
(D) 4
Correct Answer- Option: (C) 2

2. In a complete high school anyone of the post sanctioned below is not admissible State the name of the post which is not admissible

B:-Office Attendant
D:-Full time menialCorrect Answer:- Option-C

3. An aided High School with standard V to X has the effective strength of 3000 pupils. If so, the number of post/posts of Lower Division Clerk admissible is





Correct Answer:- Option-B

4. No. of sweepers that may be appointed in Aided High Schools with a strength of 700 and above up to 1500 :
(A) 1 Full Time and 1 Part Time
(B) 3 Full Time
(C)2 Full Time
(D) 2 Full Time and 1 Part Time
ANSWER: (C)2 Full Time
High Schools (incomplete)
Schools with Std. VIII as
the highest
Schools with Std.
IX as the highest
with a strength of
700 and above but
below 1500
Schools with Std. IX as
the highest with strength
of 1500 and above
Peons 1 2 3
Other members
Such as sweepers,
watchers etc.
1 Part-time 1 Full- time
1 Part-time
2 Full- time
1 part-time
Higher Secondary Schools
Training School
As for High Schools
One Lower Division Clerk
One Attender
One Part-time Sweeper
1.If two peons(OA) are appointed in a school with Std IX as the highest, the strength shall be
(A) Above 1500
(B) 700 and above but below 1000
(C) 700 and above but below 1500
(D) Below 700
Correct Answer-Option:(C) 700 and above but below 1500


1. No. of peons that may be appointed in schools with Std IX as the highest with a strength of 700 and above but below 1500

(A) One
(C) Three

2. The number of posts of peons in schools with Std IX as the highest with a strength of 700 and above but below 1500 is :

(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4ANSWER:- (B) 2

3.If two peons are appointed in schools with Std IX as highest the strength shall be
(A) 700 and above below 1000
(B) Below 700
(C) 1500 and above
(D) 700 and above but below 1500
Correct Answer-Option:(C) 1500 and above


1.Number of sweepers/watcher appointed in a school with Std IX as the highest is one full time and one part-time the strength shall be
(A) 700 and above but below 1500
(B) Below 700
(C) Above 1500
(D) 700 and above but below 1000
Correct Answer-Option:(A) 700 and above but below 1500
2. In schools with Std IX as the highest with strength of 1500 and above the number of sweepers/watchers appointed shall be:

(A) 1 Full Timed/Part Time
(B) 3 Full Time
(C) 2 Full Timed, 1Part Time
(D) 2 Full TimeCorrect Answer-Option:(C) 2 Full Timed, 1Part Time

3. In an incomplete high school upto standard VIII only posts of ______ is admissible
D:-one OA and a PTCE
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Provided that qualified non- teaching staff appointed against sanctioned posts prior to 1969-70 on a regular basis will be allowed to continue as such. They shall, if they are qualified, be appointed either  by transfer or by promotion against permanent vacancies that may arise in the same school or the schools under the same Educational Agency and upon such appointments being made, the posts already held by them as excess shall be abolished. If there are no vacancies for such appointments they may be allowed to continue as such till such posts become vacant by death, retirement, resignation and the like and these posts shall be abolished as soon as they become so vacant. 
Note :- 

(1) In schools where diversified courses are introduced special staff may be sanctioned by the Director according to the nature of the course.
(2) None of the members of non- teaching staff, if any, of the Lower Primary Schools shall be entitled to Government rates of pay].

[Explanation:- (I) The posts of Sweepers and other staff mentioned in this rule shall be a feeder  category for appointment to the post of peon].

[Explanation:- (II) The post of Lower Division Clerk shall be filled up by promotion of [attenders], peons, Sweepers and other staff, if they possess the qualification prescribed for the post of Lower Division Clerk in sub-rule (1) or rule 2. If there are more than one claimant for appointment as Clerk under these categories preference shall be given in the order of 10[attenders], Peons, Sweepers and other staff. If there are more than one claimant under a particular category, the order of preference shall be according to the date of their first appointment. If the date of first appointment be the same, then preference shall be given with reference to age, the older being given first preference.
1A. The provisions contained in rules 12, 12B, 12C, 12D, 12E and 15 in Chapter XXIII for the fixation of strength of the teaching staff in aided school shall mutatis mutandis apply to the fixation of strength of the non-teaching staff in aided schools also with exceptions that the strength of schools referred to in rule 1 shall mean effective strength and the effective strength shall be calculated on the basis of the total roll strength and the actual attendance on the date of visit of the Educational Officer to all Upper Primary and High School classes taken together for the purpose of sanctioning posts of non-teaching staff.

2. (1) Qualifications:-

The minimum qualifications of the non-teaching staff shall be as follows:-
1. Clerks A pass in SSLC Examination conducted by the Commissioner for Government Examinations, Kerala or its equivalent.
2. Attenders A pass in SSLC Examination conducted by the Commissioner for Government Examinations, Kerala or its equivalent.
3. Peons (=OA) Should be literate.
4. Other members such as Sweepers, Watchers Good Physique
The qualification of the non-teaching staff for appointment in aided schools shall be

A:-same as prescribed in Govt service

B:-as decided by the manager

C:-as decided by the Govt from time to time

D:-as per the instructions of the Director

Correct Answer:- Option-A

What is the minimum qualification prescribed for the post of sweepers, watchers etc?


(B) Std VIII

(C) Literate

(D) Good physique

Correct Answer-Option:(D) Good physique

Minimum qualification required for the post of sweeper is __________

A:-Standard VII

B:-Good Physique



Correct Answer:- Option-B

Minimum qualification required for appointment of an Attender in a Teacher Training Institute is
A:-Plus Two
C:-Pass in standard VIII

Correct Answer:- Option-B

Minimum Education qualification required for the post of clerk of an aided school:





Correct Answer:- Option-B

(2) Age limits :-

The lower age limit for appointment as a member of the non-teaching staff shall be 18 and the upper age limit 45. No person appointed to the non-teaching staff shall continue in service beyond the age of 60 [and the service beyond the age of 55 years shall not qualify for pension and gratuity]. ln reckoning the age – Limit the period of service in the defence services otherwise than as a civilian officer, shall be excluded.

Note:- Government may however grant exemption from age limit in cases where the person to be appointed has had long previous experience in similar post to his credit.

The lower and upper age limit for appointment of the non-teaching staff shall be:

(A) 20-35

(B) 21-36

(C) 18-39

(D) 18-45

Correct Answer-Option:(D) 18-45

The Lower age limit for appointment of Non Teaching Staff in aided school is:

(A) 25 years

(B) 20 years

(C) 21 years

(D) 18 years

Correct Answer-Option: (D) 18 years

The minimum required age for appointing a person as a member of non teaching staff in an aided school is :

(A) 20 Years

(B) 17 Years

(C) 25 Years

(D) 18 Years

Correct Answer- Option: (D) 18 Years

The normal upper age limit for the appointment of a clerk in an aided School is _________ years





Correct Answer:- Option-C

3. Salary :- 

(1) All those who possess the qualification prescribed in Rule 2 shall be paid salary at the Government rates.

(2) The under- qualified persons already in service shall subject to Rule 4 below be paid salary at the rates they were drawing under the managements. 17[Provided further that under -qualified persons other than clerks who were in service on 1st July 1959, shall be exempted from the qualifications prescribed in sub-rule (1) of rule 2 and shall be paid salary at the Government rates if they have put in a continuous service of not less than 15 years on that date, and in the case of others, when they complete 15 Years of continuous service. They shall however be entitled to arrears of salary only from 1st July1963. The under qualified clerks holding regular posts will be given a consolidated pay and allowances of Rs. 100 per mensem till they acquire the prescribed qualification or complete 15 years of continuous service.

  1. Continuance in old scales:- Notwithstanding anything contained in Rule 3(1) the salary of the non-teaching staff of the aided schools appointed, before 31st May 1957, and continuing in office at the commencement of Section 9(2) of the Act shall be paid by the Government on the scales applicable to them immediately before 31-5-1957. The pay in the scales should have been arrived at in the normal course of increments. Abnormal increase in pay as disclosed by the acquittance rolls for one year previous to 1-6-1957 or other records of the school shall be ignored.
  1. Option to come to new scales:- If any member of the non- teaching staff coming under Rule 4, having the prescribed qualifications opts the Departmental scale, he shall be allowed to do so and his pay in the new scale on the date of these Rules come into force shall be fixed in the incremental stage just above his pay in the old scale if the pay in the old scale is not a stage in the new scale. If it is a stage in the new scale the pay shall be fixed at that stage. The option once exercised shall be final.
  1. Excess non-teaching staff:-

(1) The non-teaching staff in the Malabar area in excess of the number fixed by Rule 1 including those in Lower Primary Schools, appointed under the Madras Rule shall continue on the salary and grade allowed by the Department under the Grant-in-aid system. Similarly the excess number in the T.C. area, if any including those in Lower Primary Schools also may be allowed to continue on the salary and grade sanctioned by the managements as evidenced by the acquittance rolls and other records of the school.

  • Note :- (i) The excess hands appointed after the introduction of the scheme of direct payment of salary 18[in T.C. area] have no claim to continue and receive salary from Government; Provided that this rule shall not apply to persons appointed prior to 28-6-1959 in schools coming under Madras Grant-in-aid Code, to posts sanctioned with reference to the scale of non-teaching staff prescribed in the Madras Audit Guide or to those appointed to posts rendered vacant in the normal course or to persons appointed before 1-10- 1968 in schools in the erstwhile Travancore- Cochin area.

(ii) This rule shall not apply to non-teaching staff engaged for sweeping work for which maintenance grant is given as per rules for payment of maintenance grant.

(2) Vacancies of any category arising in the school shall be filled up by appointment from among the qualified excess and protected non teaching staff in any category. If there are no such excess and protected non teaching staff in any of the categories, the vacancy shall be filled up by appointing qualified’ non- teaching staff as provided under rule 7 of Chapter XXIV (B).

  1. Any person appointed to the non-teaching staff of an aided school on or after the 31st May 1957 shall be eligible only for salary at Government rates, if the salary allowed by the management is in excess of the Government rates of Salary.
  1. Leave rules:-

In the matter of casual leave and all other kinds of leave the non- teaching staff in aided school shall be governed by the rules for non-teaching staff of Government schools in the Service Regulations for the time being in force.

8A. The rules in Chapter XXVII A relating to pension except rules 8 shall mutatis mutandis apply to the non- teaching staff also who have opted for these rules.].

  1. 9. Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, if it is found necessary, Government may by orders extend any ban on the creation of posts, retrenchment of staff etc., affected by them in Government schools to aided schools].

9A. The manager shall give employment to a dependent of the non teaching staff of an aided school dying in harness. Government orders relating to employment assistance to the dependents of Government servants dying in harness shall, mutatis mutandis, apply in the matter of such appointments].

  1. The authority for entertaining appeal against the decision of a Dist. Educational Officer, rejecting approval of appointment of a Non Teaching Staff in High School is:

(A) Director

(B) Government

(C) Dist. Collector

(D) Deputy Director of Education

Correct Answer- Option: (D) Deputy Director of Education


  1. Number of Full Time Menial posts admissible to an Upper Primary School with standards V to VII having the effective strength of 1500 pupils

Correct Answer:- Option-B

  1. For sanctioning non-teaching staff in a High School having LP and UP sections, the strength of pupil shall be reckoned in the ____________

A:-H.S. Section only

B:-UP and HS sections together

C:-LP, Up and HS section together

D:-LP and HS sections together

Correct Answer:- Option-B

  1. No. of posts of F.T. Menial admissible for an independent U.P. School having a student’s strength of 1500 is:

(A) One

(B) Nil


(D) Three