January 20, 2025
1. Training Schools shall mean an institution which provides instruction and training leading to the Teacher’s Training Certificate Examination according to tile scheme laid down.
2. In order that the Training School shall develop its individuality and becomes a centre of activity and a source of inspiration to the neighboring Primary Schools, Training Schools which are attached to High Schools shall be separated from the High Schools and placed under the independent charge of a Headmaster. 

3. Every Training School shall have a Primary School up to and including Standard VII attached to it as demonstration school. The Headmaster of the demonstration school shall, in academic matters, be under the orders of the Headmaster of the training school to which it is attached. Till the separation of Training schools from High Schools, the Lower and Upper Primary Sections of the Secondary Schools may be used as the demonstration schools. If the number of divisions in a demonstration school is not found sufficient, the Director may allow the Lower and Upper Primary sections of a neighboring Secondary  School even if it is under a different management to be utilized as the demonstration school for Training school.
  • Note:- This rule shall not apply to existing Training Schools for 5 Years from the date of coming into force of this rule. 

4. The teachers training course for primary school teachers shall be of the basic pattern and it shall be of 2 years duration with 220 instructional days excluding the dates for examination] in each year. The curriculum for training shall be prescribed from time to time by the Department. Facilities shall be provided for community living; where facilities for community living are not readily available, it should be practiced through camps extending for a period of not less than 5[fifteen days] preferably during summer vacation. Where there are contiguous Training Schools the camps may be held jointly for trainees of those schools.

5. Admission to the Government Training Schools and Aided Training Schools shall be open to candidates having the qualifications specified by Government in this behalf.

6. Twenty [ 20 ] per cent of the seats in Aided Training Schools other than those belonging to Minority Communities, shall be reserved for selection by the managers of the respective Training Schools on the basis of inter-se merit of the candidates, arrived at by following the norms provided in rule 6A.

6A. Notwithstanding anything contained in rule 6, fifty per cent of the seats in Aided Training Schools, belonging to minority communities shall be filled up from among the students belonging to the minority community concerned, on the basis of the inter-se merit arrived at in accordance with the marks obtained in the following manner, namely :-
  • (a) marks obtained in the qualifying examination : 80%
  • (b) Marks obtained in the interview : 10%
  • (c) Proved ability in sports and games and achievements in Youth Festival in the following order of Priority. All India level State level District level Sub District level : 10%

7. Selection of candidates for sixty (60)per cent of the seats in Aided Training Schools and for eighty(80) percent of the seats in Government Training Schools shall be made by a Selection Committee consisting of a member of the Public Service Commission as Chairman and an Official nominee of the Education Department.There shall be a Selection Committee for each Revenue District.


  • [Note: – Two percent of the total seats under the open quota shall be reserved for qualified orthographically handicapped persons
💜————— of the total seats in Training schools under the open quota shall be reserved for qualified orthopedic ally handicapped persons;
(A) 5 %
(B) 2%
ANSWER: (B) 2%💜
8. In the remaining twenty percent of seats, the Director shall depute untrained teachers employed in Government Schools for teachers training in Government and Aided Training Schools.

Provided that the teachers recruited through the Employment Exchange in Government Schools shall not be entitled for such deputation. 

9. The rules relating to reservation for candidates belonging to the Scheduled castes, Scheduled Tribes and other backward classes in appointments in Government service shall be followed by the Committeein making selection of candidates for admission to the Training Schools.
10. The minimum qualification for selection for training shall be a pass in pre- degree(=Plus Two) examination conducted by any of the Universities in Kerala or pass in any examination recognised by any such university as equivalent to Pre-Degree examination or a pass in a higher secondary examination conducted by the Board of Higher Secondary Examination, Kerala or any other examination recognised by the Government as equivalent thereto.
💜The minimum qualification for admission to T.T.C. course in Kerala is:
(A) Pre-Degree or equivalent
(C) SSLC or equivalent
(D) VIII Standard
ANSWER: (A) Pre-Degree or equivalent💜

The candidates should have obtained an aggregate minimum of 50% marks in the qualifying examination. In the case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes/Tribes and other backward communities a concession in the aggregate minimum marks required for admission shall be allowed by 2%. Those who had taken more than three chances to pass the qualifying examination shall not be considered for selection. The restriction regarding percentage of marks and number of chances shall not apply to scheduled Caste and Tribes candidates. The applicants shall possess the qualifications specified for selection on the date of application and shall not be below 17 years of age or above 33 years of age on the first day of July of the year in which the notification inviting applications is published in the Gazette.  

The maximum age limit shall be relaxable by 3 years for backward classes and by 5 years for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. For Ex-servicemen the age limit shall be relaxable to the extent of their period of service in Defence Forces. For candidates with previous teaching experience the age limit shall be relaxable to the extend of their period of service in departmental or private schools. Kannada & Tamil applicants will also be selected separately applying the above criteria.However during the academic year 1998 -99, for 25% of the seats,minimum qualification will be retained as S. S. L. C. with an aggregate 50% marks.

  • Note: –The Government may grant exemption from age limits in appropriate cases].
💜The authority for granting age exemption to the applicants for T.T.C. course in appropriate cases is:
(A) Deputy Director
(B) Educational Officer
(C) Government
(D) Principal
Correct Answer- Option: (C) Government💜
11. x x x x]
12. Candidates who acquire the training qualifications shall, as far as possible, be absorbed as teachers in Government or private schools in the year in which they pass the examination, after giving preference to those who have already acquired requisite qualification in the previous year and remain un absorbed.
13. The Director of Public Instruction may in consultation with the Public Service Commission lay down the procedure for selection of candidates in cases where the selection is to be made by the selection committees].
💜The authority to which the Department is to consult for Selection of T.T.C. course by the selection committee is :
(A) Government
(B) Joint Commissioner
(C) Public Service Commission
(D) District Panchayath
Correct Answer-Option: (C) Public Service Commission💜
14. The number of candidates for selection by the Selection Committees shall be fixed by the Director of Public Instruction sufficiently in advance of the date fixed for re-opening of Training Schools in the succeeding year .
15. (1) In any year, if admission of candidates to the first year Teacher’s Training Course is found necessary on the basis of teachers  requirements, the Director may, by notification, fix the date of the beginning of admission of candidates and no admission shall be made prior to the date so fixed.
(2) Admission to a Training School shall be closed within two weeks of the re-opening day and no trainee shall be admitted there after  without the previous sanction of the District Educational Officer.
16. If any person selected for training does not join the training School before the expiry of the two weeks from the re-opening day the fact shall immediately be reported by the Headmaster to the District Educational Officer concerned so that such vacancies may be filled up otherwise.
17. If a teacher in service who has been selected for training is unable to undergo the training he may apply to the District Educational Officer for exemption from training during that particular year, and the District Educational Officer may for satisfactory reasons, grant the exemption on condition that when the teacher is selected for training in any subsequent year, he will not be entitled to any stipend or allowances ordinarily available to teacher- trainees
18. (1) Every candidate for admission to a Training School shall present an application for admission to the Head master of the Training School, accompanied by the order selecting him for training. In the case of teachers selected from schools, the relieving order from the institutions in which the candidates have lien permanent or  temporary, is also necessary.
(2) Every non-teacher selected for training shall be required to produce along with his application for admission:

  • (a) A transfer certificate from the Institution last attended by him
  • (b) A certificate of health in Form 42 from a Medical Officer not below the rank of an Assistant Surgeon; 
  • (c) A certificate in proof of his general qualifications;
  •  (d) A certificate of conduct signed by a person competent to issue such certificate. These certificates shall be filed in the Training School in serial order with the admission numbers of the trainees endorsed on them.
19. (1) A trainee may for satisfactory reasons be transferred from one training school and admitted to another training school with the sanction of the Educational Officer who is the controlling Officer of the school to which the transfer is applied for.
(2) A trainee may for satisfactory reasons be allowed to withdraw from the training school under orders of the Educational Officer].
💜A Teacher Trainee may for satisfactory reasons be allowed to withdraw from the training school under orders of the :
(A) Deputy Director
(B) Principal
(C) District Educational. Officer
(D) Joint Director

Correct Answer- Option: (C) District  Educational. Officer💜

20. If a trainee has withdrawn from school with permission, he shall be exempted from the payment of all installments of fees for the months subsequent to the month of withdrawal.
20A. If a trainee has withdrawn from the school without permission he shall pay the balance amount of fees for the entire course of two years and no transfer certificate shall be given or the S. S. L. C. Book shall not be returned to him unless he pays such balance amount.
💜The fee to be realised from a T.T.C. student when he has withdrawn from the course without permission is:
(A) Fee up to the month of withdrawal
(B) Fee for the entire course of training for 2 years
(C) Fee till the year he was studying at the time of withdrawal
(D) No fee to be realised
ANSWER: (B) Fee for the entire course of training for 2 years💜
21. Subject to the minimum attendance in Rule 22, teachers of Government schools and aided schools while under training, may be granted casual and other kinds of leave to which they are eligible in accordance with the conditions of their service and other trainees may be granted leave of absence at the discretion of the Headmaster.
22. (1)[Every trainee shall be required to attend school on at least 85 per cent of the total number of working days as on the [last day of April] of the school year]. If a trainee’s attendance is less than 85 percent the deficiency upto 15 percent of the minimum attendance prescribed may be condoned by the District Educational Officer. [ln the case of trainees who have to be under treatment on account of ailment of long duration and in cases of leave for maternity purpose, the [Deputy Director (Education)] may condone the deficiency in attendance up to a maximum 25 percent of the prescribed minimum attendance.
💜The minimum required attendance of a Trainee in a Training School is:
(A) 50%
(B) 75%
(C) 85%
(D) 60%
ANSWER: (C) 85%💜
(2) In the case of a trainee who withdraws from the Training School with permission and is readmitted during the next year, credit shall be given for attendance earned by him during the former year or such part thereof as may be fixed by the District Educational Officer for calculating the attendance for the latter year.
[(3) In the case of trainees who are selected as substitute to the absentees the minimum attendance of 85 per cent shall be reckoned from the date on which they actually join the institution.
23. (1) No trainee who has failed to secure the minimum attendance prescribed in Rule 22 shall be permitted to sit for the Teacher’s Training Certificate Examination, unless the deficiency in attendance has been condoned. 
(2) The trainees whose, deficiency in attendance exceeds 25 percent shall be required to undergo the course again in the succeeding year.
💜The trainees whose deficiency in attendance exceeds percent shall be required to undergo the course again in the succeeding year.
(A) 15
(B) 18
(C) 20
(D) 25
ANSWER:- (D) 25💜
24. If a trainee has been absent without leave for fifteen working days continuously his name shall be removed from the rolls, and the fact reported to the District Educational Officer. Trainees once removed  from rolls may be re-admitted with the sanction of the District Educational Officer.
💜The number of absence of working days required for removal of a Teachers Trainee for long absence is:
(A) 20 days

(B) 15 days
(C) 12 days
(D) 10 days

Correct Answer- Option: (B) 15 days

💜The re-admission of a T.T.C trainee is permissible only with the sanction of :
(A) Director
(B) Deputy Director
(C) Dist. Educational Officer
(D) Parent-teacher Association
ANSWER: (C) Dist. Educational Officer💜
💜Trainees whose, deficiency in attendance exceeds ——— shall be required to undergo the course again in the succeeding year.
(A) 40%
(B) 15%
(C) 20%
(D) 25%
ANSWER: (D) 25%💜
25. No trainee shall be admitted to a school without realising the first instalment of tuition fees, games fees, library fee and stationery fee. The second instalment of games fee, library fee and stationery fee shall be collected along with the 5th instalment of tuition fees.
26. No trainee from whom there are any dues to the school shall be admitted to the Teachers Training Certificate Examinations nor employed in any recognised institution in the State; and no certificate of any kind shall be issued to such trainee.
27. Teachers deputed from Government [x x x] Schools for training shall  be eligible for stipend/ subsistence allowance in accordance with the rules in force from time to time. [All trainees deputed by Director shall execute bonds in the prescribed form undertaking to serve as teachers, if so required within a period of six months in any institution according to their qualification for a period of three years after completion of the training].
28. (1) Subject to such exemptions and concessions as Government may make by notification in the official Gazette from time to time, tuition fees and special fees shall be collected from trainees at the rates given below:-
  • (a) Tuition fee Rs. 50 (Fifty) per annum in eight equal monthly instalments, the first instalment at the time of admission and the subsequent instalments on the 10th (or on the next working day if 10th is a holiday) [of September, October, November, December,January, February and March].
  • (b) Games fee [Rs. 2 (two)] per annum in two equal instalments. 
  • (c) Library fee [Rs. 2 (two)] per annum in two equal instalments.
  • (d) Stationery fee [Rs. 2 (two)] per annum in two equal instalments.
(2) If any instalment of tuition fee is not paid on the due date a fine of Fifty Naya Paise shall be levied when the fee for that instalment is paid. The corresponding fine in respect of special fees not paid on the due dates shall be 15np. When more than two instalments with fine are realized at one time, the fine collected shall not exceed Rs.1.50 (Rupee one and Paise Fifty). If the instalment due for any month is not paid before the last day of the month, the trainee will not be allowed to attend the school nor granted any leave of absence.
29. The games fee, library fee and stationery fee shall be utilised for the respective purposes. The procedure for accounting and operating these fees shall be the same as that prescribed for special fees.
30. Whenever it is uneconomical to establish separate training schools for men and women, common schools shall be conducted and in such schools adequate facilities for women students shall be provided.

  • [Note: – Two percent of the total seats under the open quota shall be reserved for qualified orthographically handicapped persons
💜————— of the total seats in Training schools under the open quota shall be reserved for qualified orthopedic ally handicapped persons;
(A) 5 %
(B) 2%
ANSWER: (B) 2%💜
8. In the remaining twenty percent of seats, the Director shall depute untrained teachers employed in Government Schools for teachers training in Government and Aided Training Schools.

Provided that the teachers recruited through the Employment Exchange in Government Schools shall not be entitled for such deputation. 

9. The rules relating to reservation for candidates belonging to the Scheduled castes, Scheduled Tribes and other backward classes in appointments in Government service shall be followed by the Committeein making selection of candidates for admission to the Training Schools.
10. The minimum qualification for selection for training shall be a pass in pre- degree(=Plus Two) examination conducted by any of the Universities in Kerala or pass in any examination recognised by any such university as equivalent to Pre-Degree examination or a pass in a higher secondary examination conducted by the Board of Higher Secondary Examination, Kerala or any other examination recognised by the Government as equivalent thereto.
💜The minimum qualification for admission to T.T.C. course in Kerala is:
(A) Pre-Degree or equivalent
(C) SSLC or equivalent
(D) VIII Standard
ANSWER: (A) Pre-Degree or equivalent💜

The candidates should have obtained an aggregate minimum of 50% marks in the qualifying examination. In the case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes/Tribes and other backward communities a concession in the aggregate minimum marks required for admission shall be allowed by 2%. Those who had taken more than three chances to pass the qualifying examination shall not be considered for selection. The restriction regarding percentage of marks and number of chances shall not apply to scheduled Caste and Tribes candidates. The applicants shall possess the qualifications specified for selection on the date of application and shall not be below 17 years of age or above 33 years of age on the first day of July of the year in which the notification inviting applications is published in the Gazette.  

The maximum age limit shall be relaxable by 3 years for backward classes and by 5 years for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. For Ex-servicemen the age limit shall be relaxable to the extent of their period of service in Defence Forces. For candidates with previous teaching experience the age limit shall be relaxable to the extend of their period of service in departmental or private schools. Kannada & Tamil applicants will also be selected separately applying the above criteria.However during the academic year 1998 -99, for 25% of the seats,minimum qualification will be retained as S. S. L. C. with an aggregate 50% marks.

  • Note: –The Government may grant exemption from age limits in appropriate cases].
💜The authority for granting age exemption to the applicants for T.T.C. course in appropriate cases is:
(A) Deputy Director
(B) Educational Officer
(C) Government
(D) Principal
Correct Answer- Option: (C) Government💜
11. x x x x]
12. Candidates who acquire the training qualifications shall, as far as possible, be absorbed as teachers in Government or private schools in the year in which they pass the examination, after giving preference to those who have already acquired requisite qualification in the previous year and remain un absorbed.
13. The Director of Public Instruction may in consultation with the Public Service Commission lay down the procedure for selection of candidates in cases where the selection is to be made by the selection committees].
💜The authority to which the Department is to consult for Selection of T.T.C. course by the selection committee is :
(A) Government
(B) Joint Commissioner
(C) Public Service Commission
(D) District Panchayath
Correct Answer-Option: (C) Public Service Commission💜
14. The number of candidates for selection by the Selection Committees shall be fixed by the Director of Public Instruction sufficiently in advance of the date fixed for re-opening of Training Schools in the succeeding year .
15. (1) In any year, if admission of candidates to the first year Teacher’s Training Course is found necessary on the basis of teachers  requirements, the Director may, by notification, fix the date of the beginning of admission of candidates and no admission shall be made prior to the date so fixed.
(2) Admission to a Training School shall be closed within two weeks of the re-opening day and no trainee shall be admitted there after  without the previous sanction of the District Educational Officer.
16. If any person selected for training does not join the training School before the expiry of the two weeks from the re-opening day the fact shall immediately be reported by the Headmaster to the District Educational Officer concerned so that such vacancies may be filled up otherwise.
17. If a teacher in service who has been selected for training is unable to undergo the training he may apply to the District Educational Officer for exemption from training during that particular year, and the District Educational Officer may for satisfactory reasons, grant the exemption on condition that when the teacher is selected for training in any subsequent year, he will not be entitled to any stipend or allowances ordinarily available to teacher- trainees
18. (1) Every candidate for admission to a Training School shall present an application for admission to the Head master of the Training School, accompanied by the order selecting him for training. In the case of teachers selected from schools, the relieving order from the institutions in which the candidates have lien permanent or  temporary, is also necessary.
(2) Every non-teacher selected for training shall be required to produce along with his application for admission:

  • (a) A transfer certificate from the Institution last attended by him
  • (b) A certificate of health in Form 42 from a Medical Officer not below the rank of an Assistant Surgeon; 
  • (c) A certificate in proof of his general qualifications;
  •  (d) A certificate of conduct signed by a person competent to issue such certificate. These certificates shall be filed in the Training School in serial order with the admission numbers of the trainees endorsed on them.
19. (1) A trainee may for satisfactory reasons be transferred from one training school and admitted to another training school with the sanction of the Educational Officer who is the controlling Officer of the school to which the transfer is applied for.
(2) A trainee may for satisfactory reasons be allowed to withdraw from the training school under orders of the Educational Officer].
💜A Teacher Trainee may for satisfactory reasons be allowed to withdraw from the training school under orders of the :
(A) Deputy Director
(B) Principal
(C) District Educational. Officer
(D) Joint Director

Correct Answer- Option: (C) District  Educational. Officer💜

20. If a trainee has withdrawn from school with permission, he shall be exempted from the payment of all installments of fees for the months subsequent to the month of withdrawal.
20A. If a trainee has withdrawn from the school without permission he shall pay the balance amount of fees for the entire course of two years and no transfer certificate shall be given or the S. S. L. C. Book shall not be returned to him unless he pays such balance amount.
💜The fee to be realised from a T.T.C. student when he has withdrawn from the course without permission is:
(A) Fee up to the month of withdrawal
(B) Fee for the entire course of training for 2 years
(C) Fee till the year he was studying at the time of withdrawal
(D) No fee to be realised
ANSWER: (B) Fee for the entire course of training for 2 years💜
21. Subject to the minimum attendance in Rule 22, teachers of Government schools and aided schools while under training, may be granted casual and other kinds of leave to which they are eligible in accordance with the conditions of their service and other trainees may be granted leave of absence at the discretion of the Headmaster.
22. (1)[Every trainee shall be required to attend school on at least 85 per cent of the total number of working days as on the [last day of April] of the school year]. If a trainee’s attendance is less than 85 percent the deficiency upto 15 percent of the minimum attendance prescribed may be condoned by the District Educational Officer. [ln the case of trainees who have to be under treatment on account of ailment of long duration and in cases of leave for maternity purpose, the [Deputy Director (Education)] may condone the deficiency in attendance up to a maximum 25 percent of the prescribed minimum attendance.
💜The minimum required attendance of a Trainee in a Training School is:
(A) 50%
(B) 75%
(C) 85%
(D) 60%
ANSWER: (C) 85%💜
(2) In the case of a trainee who withdraws from the Training School with permission and is readmitted during the next year, credit shall be given for attendance earned by him during the former year or such part thereof as may be fixed by the District Educational Officer for calculating the attendance for the latter year.
[(3) In the case of trainees who are selected as substitute to the absentees the minimum attendance of 85 per cent shall be reckoned from the date on which they actually join the institution.
23. (1) No trainee who has failed to secure the minimum attendance prescribed in Rule 22 shall be permitted to sit for the Teacher’s Training Certificate Examination, unless the deficiency in attendance has been condoned. 
(2) The trainees whose, deficiency in attendance exceeds 25 percent shall be required to undergo the course again in the succeeding year.
💜The trainees whose deficiency in attendance exceeds percent shall be required to undergo the course again in the succeeding year.
(A) 15
(B) 18
(C) 20
(D) 25
ANSWER:- (D) 25💜
24. If a trainee has been absent without leave for fifteen working days continuously his name shall be removed from the rolls, and the fact reported to the District Educational Officer. Trainees once removed  from rolls may be re-admitted with the sanction of the District Educational Officer.
💜The number of absence of working days required for removal of a Teachers Trainee for long absence is:
(A) 20 days

(B) 15 days
(C) 12 days
(D) 10 days

Correct Answer- Option: (B) 15 days

💜The re-admission of a T.T.C trainee is permissible only with the sanction of :
(A) Director
(B) Deputy Director
(C) Dist. Educational Officer
(D) Parent-teacher Association
ANSWER: (C) Dist. Educational Officer💜
💜Trainees whose, deficiency in attendance exceeds ——— shall be required to undergo the course again in the succeeding year.
(A) 40%
(B) 15%
(C) 20%
(D) 25%
ANSWER: (D) 25%💜
25. No trainee shall be admitted to a school without realising the first instalment of tuition fees, games fees, library fee and stationery fee. The second instalment of games fee, library fee and stationery fee shall be collected along with the 5th instalment of tuition fees.
26. No trainee from whom there are any dues to the school shall be admitted to the Teachers Training Certificate Examinations nor employed in any recognised institution in the State; and no certificate of any kind shall be issued to such trainee.
27. Teachers deputed from Government [x x x] Schools for training shall  be eligible for stipend/ subsistence allowance in accordance with the rules in force from time to time. [All trainees deputed by Director shall execute bonds in the prescribed form undertaking to serve as teachers, if so required within a period of six months in any institution according to their qualification for a period of three years after completion of the training].
28. (1) Subject to such exemptions and concessions as Government may make by notification in the official Gazette from time to time, tuition fees and special fees shall be collected from trainees at the rates given below:-
  • (a) Tuition fee Rs. 50 (Fifty) per annum in eight equal monthly instalments, the first instalment at the time of admission and the subsequent instalments on the 10th (or on the next working day if 10th is a holiday) [of September, October, November, December,January, February and March].
  • (b) Games fee [Rs. 2 (two)] per annum in two equal instalments. 
  • (c) Library fee [Rs. 2 (two)] per annum in two equal instalments.
  • (d) Stationery fee [Rs. 2 (two)] per annum in two equal instalments.
(2) If any instalment of tuition fee is not paid on the due date a fine of Fifty Naya Paise shall be levied when the fee for that instalment is paid. The corresponding fine in respect of special fees not paid on the due dates shall be 15np. When more than two instalments with fine are realized at one time, the fine collected shall not exceed Rs.1.50 (Rupee one and Paise Fifty). If the instalment due for any month is not paid before the last day of the month, the trainee will not be allowed to attend the school nor granted any leave of absence.
29. The games fee, library fee and stationery fee shall be utilised for the respective purposes. The procedure for accounting and operating these fees shall be the same as that prescribed for special fees.
30. Whenever it is uneconomical to establish separate training schools for men and women, common schools shall be conducted and in such schools adequate facilities for women students shall be provided.
31. (1) During the Teachers Training Course, there shall be two public examinations, one at the end of the first year and the final examination at the end of the second year. A trainee whose progress in the first year class is satisfactory on the basis of the sessional marks and practical work, may be promoted to the second year class, irrespective of the fact whether he secures pass marks or not at the public examination.
💜During the Teachers Training Course, there shall be ——— public examinations
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
Correct Answer-Option:(B) 2💜

(2) A trainee who fails in one or more subjects in any or all the parts may appear in the subject or subjects concerned at subsequent examinations. He shall be awarded the Trained Teachers’ Certificate only after he has passed in all subjects in Parts I and II and in part III on the basis of internal assessment.

(3) The fee for the whole examination is [Rs. 15] for the first year and [Rs. 20] for the final examination. The fee for each of the subjects under compartmental system shall be Rs. 3 subject to a maximum of Rs 15.
32. The Head of any Training School shall report to his official superior and the Director any teacher who, in his opinion, is unable to profit by continuing in attendance or who is absent without leave, persistently neglectful of his work or guilty of serious misconduct. In extreme cases of inefficiency in theoretical or practical work a student may not be presented for the examination by the Head of the Training School.
33. Students admitted to Training Schools shall be considered to be on probation for 50 working days. 
💜Students admitted in Training Schools shall be considered to be on probation for ———— working days:
(A) 40
(B) 45
(C) 50
(D) 55
Correct Answer-Option:(C) 50💜
If during this period the head of the institution finds that any student is not likely to prove an efficient teacher, such student shall with the sanction of the Controlling Authority, be required to leave the institution after the issue of a show cause notice and obtaining the written explanation of the trainee concerned. In case of an untrained teacher selected by the Public Service Commission for appointment in Government Schools,the procedure laid down in the general rules relating to Kerala State and Subordinate Services for the termination of probation of Government servants shall be followed. The trainees shall not be required to refund the amount drawn, if any, as stipend or subsistence allowance during probation if he is found unfit at the end of the period of probation,