Provided that the Director of Public Instruction may entertain application submitted within six months or the Deputy Director (Education) may entertain applications submitted within four months from the dates specified in sub-rule (i) if the delay was caused for one or more reasons specified in the sub-rule or for any other sufficient and valid reasons.
Question.The maximum period that can be condoned by the Director in the case of delay in submitting application for maintenance grant of aided school is:
(A) 4 months
(B) 1 year
(C) 6 months
(D) 3 months
ANSWER: (C) 6 months
The competent authority to condone the delay in submitting application for maintenance grant for 3 months:
(A) D.D.E.
(B) Director
(C) Ednl. Officer
(D) Government
(iii) Fifty percent of the maintenance grant paid during the previous year or on the basis of an approximate estimate when maintenance grant is sanctioned for the first time, may, on an application made for the purpose be paid to the Manager in advance in April or in the first week of May every year so as to enable the management to carry out the annual repairs and maintenance to school buildings during the summer vacation and to purchase essential items of articles referred to in Rule 3 in time before the schools reopen.
Question.The percentage of the previous year’s maintenance grant to be paid as advance to the Managers for repair Works is.
(A) 50%
(B) 60%
(C) 25%
(D) 80%
Correct Answer-Option: (A) 50%
Question.Fifty percent of Maintenance Grant paid during previous year, may, on an application made for the purpose be paid to the Manager in advance in …………… or in the first Weeks of…………………..
(A) May, June
(B) March, April.
(C) June, July
(D) April, May
Correct Answer- Option: (D) April, May
(iv) The applications for maintenance grant shall be accompanied by a statement of expenditure and declaration by the Manager in Form. 29. An Audit certificate of accounts of the school for the previous year shall also be furnished in the case of each school receiving grant above Rs.3500. The certificate to be attached should be one issued by an auditor qualified to audit accounts under the companies Act, 1956, or by other auditors authorised by the Government in this behalf.
Question.The application for maintenance grant shall be accompanied by a statement of expenditure and declaration by the manager is:
(A) Form 30
(B) Form 27
(C) Form 29
(D) Form 17
Correct Answer- Option: (C) Form 29
7. Applications for maintenance grant shall be disposed of by the Educational Officer not later than two months after the receipt of applications. Grants may be claimed and drawn by the Management in bills duly passed and countersigned by the Educational Officer immediately after sanction is accorded and before the grant bills are counter signed the Educational Officer shall send to the Deputy Director (Education) and the Accountant General a consolidated statement showing the amounts sanctioned by him as maintenance grant. This procedure shall also be followed in the case of advance grant. In the sanctions for final grant the sanctioning authority shall also record a certificate that the grants are in accordance with these rules and that the un utilised grants of previous years have been taken into account in fixing the annual grants. One copy each of the application and enclosure shall be sent by the Educational Officer to the Deputy Director (Education)along with the statement. The Manager shall keep separate accounts regarding the Government grant and other incomes for the maintenance of the school and the expenditure incurred thereon.
Question.The time limit prescribed for disposing the applications for maintenance grant by the Educational Officer is:
(A) Two months
(B) Three months
(C) One year
(D) One week
ANSWER: (A) Two months
8. Form 30 appended to these Rules shall be used for submission of bills for maintenance grants.
9. The Educational Officers shall at the time of their visit or inspection scrutinise the accounts and verify whether the maintenance work has been properly done and whether the articles purchased have been brought to stock. They shall with reference to the school records and by physical verification also check whether the maintenance grant has been properly and fully utilised. Based on the notes of inspection the Educational Officer may make a suitable reduction in the amount of maintenance grant admissible, for the irregularities noted. No appeal shall lie over the decision of the Educational Officer in such cases.
10. Excess, if any, in the maintenance grant sanctioned for a year shall be adjusted towards the maintenance grant for the succeeding year. Over payments, if any, detected shall be made good by the Managers or may be deducted from the maintenance grant for subsequent years.
11. The amount of grant, if any, withdrawn under Rule 2 or reduced under Rule 9, shall be refunded by the Manager within such time as the authorities mentioned in those rules may determine.
12. Notwithstanding anything contained in these Rules if the Manager fails to utilize the maintenance grant for the purpose as specified in Rule 3, Government will have the power to recover the same from the manager as per the provisions of the Revenue Recovery Act for the time being in force.
Question.The maintenance grant will be revised in every five years for which the ……………. shall furnish proposals to Government.
(A) Manager.
(B) Edl. Officer
(C) Director of Public Instruction
(D) Deputy Director (Edn.)
ANSWER:- (C) Director of Public Instruction