January 20, 2025




100.  When an officer is entitled to or is allowed free transit by railway, whether on a free pass or otherwise the mileage allowance which he draws for the journey must be reduced by the amount of the fare which, but for such free transit, he would have paid. This rule applies to cases in which a free pass is issued on any railway.  The reduction made must include the full number of fares covered by the pass, unless the officer certifies that he did not use the pass in respect of any fare or fares for which no reduction is made.
101.  When an officer in receipt of permanent Travelling Allowance uses a free pass on a railway within his sphere of duty, he must deduct from his Permanent Travelling Allowance for the month the amount of the railway fares which he would have paid if he had not travelled on a pass.
102.  When an officer is permitted to travel by railway in a higher class on payment of a lower fare, his mileage allowance must be reduced by the amount by which the fare of the class in which he travels exceeds the fare actually paid.
103. When an officer travels by sea or river, otherwise than on payment of passage money, in a steamer the cost of which is paid by Government or by a local fund, he may draw no Travelling Allowance except subject to the provision of Rule 110* the daily allowance of his grade; provided that, when his servants and luggage are not conveyed on the vessel but are sent separately at his expense, he may draw in addition the actual cost of transporting them
*[G O(P) No. 113/1976/Fin., Dated 06/04/1976]
104.  When an officer is allowed free transit by sea or river steamer, otherwise than in a Government vessel, the mileage allowance which he draws for the journey must be reduced by the amount of the fare which, but for such free transit, he would have paid. If he travels on a free pass, the reduction made must include the full number of fares covered by the pass unless the officer certifies that he did not use the pass in respect of any fare or fares for which no reduction is made.
105.  When an officer is allowed free transit by air in a Government machine or in a machine chartered by Government for the purpose, he is entitled subject to the provisions of Rule 110* to Travelling Allowance as follows:¬
(a)  If he has not to provide separate conveyance at his own expense for his servants or luggage, he may draw the daily allowance of his grade and may not exchange it for mileage allowance. If, however, part of the journey is made by other means of locomotion, he may at his option draw in lieu of daily allowance the mileage allowance admissible for that part.
 *This amendment shall be deemed to have come into force with effect from 15th May 1970.
(b)If he has to provide separate conveyance at his own expense for his servants or luggage he may
  (i)  if the journey is between places connected by rail or steamer draw incidental expenses or three-fifth of a fare as the case may be of the class of accommodation to which he is entitled by railway or steamer, or (ii)  if the journey is between places not connected by rail or steamer draw the daily allowance of his grade or half the mileage allowance calculated for the journey. If, however, a part of the journey is performed by other means of locomotion he may draw mileage allowance admissible for that part subject to the condition laid down in sub-clause (i) and (ii) of clause (b) of Rule 62.
106. An officer, when making a journey by air in a Government machine or in a machine chartered by Government for the purpose shall pay a first class full or half railway fare, as the case may be, to Government on behalf of each person not entitled to travel in that machine who may accompany him.
Note.-If an officer wishes to take with him any non-entitled person in a Government machine or in a machine chartered by Government, he should obtain the sanction of the Government. In giving such sanction, care should be taken to see that no extra expenditure is caused to Government thereby.
107.  Except where otherwise expressly provided in these rules, when on a journey other than a journey by railway or by sea or river steamer or by air an officer uses a means of locomotion provided at the expense of Government, a local fund or Government of another State and does not pay the cost of its use or propulsion, he is entitled subject to the provisions of Rule 110 to Travelling Allowance as follows:¬
(a)  If he has not to provide separate conveyance at his own expense for his servants or luggage, he may draw the daily allowance of the grade and may not exchange it for mileage allowance. If, however, part of the journey is made by other means of locomotion, he may at his option draw in lieu of daily allowance the mileage allowance admissible for that part.
 # When a Government servant performs a journey on transfer in a conveyance provided by the Government, he may be allowed daily allowance for each calendar day of journey.  He will not, however,  be eligible for any additional daily allowance for the members of his family who accompany him and for whom he does not pay any fare, nor will he be paid any allowance for the personal effects carried along with him for which he does not pay any charge except in the case of transport by rail in which case he may be allowed the actual charges as provided under Rule 67 (a) I (iii), Kerala Service Rules, Part II.
(b)  If he has to provide separate conveyance at his own expenses for his servants or luggage, he may, if the conditions of Rule 62 are fulfilled, exchange his daily allowance for half the mileage allowance calculated for the journey and draw in addition the mileage allowance admissible for any part of the journey made by other means of locomotion.
108.  When an officer is provided with means of locomotion as in Rule 107 but pays all the cost of its use or propulsion, he may draw Travelling Allowance  under the ordinary rules, subject to the deduction of such fixed hire or charge as Government may fix.
109.  *[Deleted]
110.  † When an officer, who is supplied with means of conveyance without charges, returns to his headquarters on the same day, daily allowance admissible under Rule 103, Rule 105 and Rule 107 will be limited to the incidental expenses at the rates given below:
Officers of the First Grade  ➜80 paise per kilometre
 Officers of the Second Grade (a) ➜60 paise per kilometre
Officers of the Second Grade (b)  ➜50 paise per kilometre

Officers of the Third Grade ➜50 paise per kilometre

Officers of the Fourth Grade  ➜50 paise per kilometre

When an officer is provided with free conveyance for part of the journey or for one way journey only (i.e. either for going from or for return to Headquarters) and he returns to his head quarters on the same day the daily allowance if admissible under the rules will be limited to the incidental expenses as indicated above for the onward or downward journey as the case may be. He may in addition draw mileage allowance admissible for the part of the journey for which the conveyance is not provided free of charges, provided the distance travelled exceeds 32 kilometres.

Note 1.-A chauffeur or driver or cleaner or mechanic of a motor car, jeep, van, wagon, lorry, boat or other means of locomotion supplied at the expense of Government will be allowed daily allowance at the rates specified under these rules.

*Note 2.-The rates of incidental expenses mentioned in this rule shall be subject to a minimum of half daily allowance.

Two officers were travelling on official duty in a motor car owned by one of them. How can payment of TA to both officers be regulated?

A:-Full TA can be paid to both of them

B:-Full TA to the officer who owns the car and half TA to the other officer

C:-Full TA to the officer who owns the car and no TA to the other officer

D:-Full TA to the officer who owns the car as if he travelled alone and the other officer may draw TA as under R.107 and 110 Part II KSR