Cash in Departmental Chests
Balance shown in cash book | .. | .. |
Balance shown in acquittance rolls or Register of undisbursed pay, etc. |
.. | .. |
Balance of permanent advance shown in contingent register or permanent advance disbursement register |
.. | .. |
Total book balance | .. | .. |
Cash balance ascertained by counting | .. | .. |
(b) In an office in which there are no regular daily transactions or the transactions are few, the head of the office may, with the previous approval of his immediate superior, order the closing of the cash book etc., less frequently than every day, e.g. once a week; but the registers should be closed and the cash balances verified often enough to prevent malpractices and in no case less frequently than once a month.
(c) When the head of office is absent on tour or otherwise the Officer (Gazetted or non-gazetted) next below in rank and present shall discharge all the duties of the head of office with regard to the maintenance of cash book and verification of cash balance in accordance with the rules. The head of office on his return, shall verify the correctness of the entries in the cash book and other connected records, attest them and verify the cash balance and shall record a certificate to this effect in the cash book.
133. Verification of monthly closing cash balance.—Each Divisional Forest Officer should verify in person his monthly closing cash balance as at the close of business on the last day of each month and append a certificate of verification to the monthly classified abstract of cash account
.If, however, a Divisional Forest Officer is absent on tour when his monthly closing cash balance has to be verified and certified, or is so incapacitated by sickness that, it is physically impossible for him to attend to these duties, the senior subordinate Forest Officer present at the Divisional Forest Officer’s headquarters (excluding the Head Clerk and other office employees) should do so, but in that case the fact of the Divisional Forest Officer’s absence or sickness should be distinctly noted in the return. Except with the special permission of the Chief Conservator of Forests on each occasion, a Divisional Forest Officer should not allow more than two consecutive months to elapse without personally verifying his monthly closing cash balance. The result of each verification of the monthly closing cash balance should be reported to the Accountant General.
134. Verification of monthly closing cash balance.—The actual balance in the cash chest of each office should be counted on the last working day of each month immediately after closing the cash account of the month or, if this is not possible, at least on the morning of the next working day before any further transactions take place. A statement of the details of the actual cash balance should be prepared in the prescribed form. A certificate of verification specifying the actual cash balance (exclusive of imprests and temporary advances) both in words and figures and stating that it was ascertained by actual counting by himself should be recorded below the closing entries in the cash book and signed and dated by the disbursing officer.
Moneys held in the Treasury
(i) District Treasuries
135. Custody and verification of the treasury balance.—
The Treasury Officer and the Chief Treasurer shall both be present in person whenever the double lock strong room is opened and shall remain there till it is closed.
When opening the strong room, the Treasury Officer and the Chief Treasurer respectively shall himself unlock the padlock of which he holds the key and immediately remove the key, similarly, when closing it, each shall himself lock the padlock of which he holds the key. When closing the strong room, each double lock officer shall satisfy himself that each double lock receptacle has been double locked and that no one remains inside the strong room; the entrance to the strong room shall then be closed and double locked, and each double lock officer shall satisfy himself that this has been properly done.
When the strong room is finally closed for the day, the Treasury Officer and the Chief Treasurer respectively shall, after locking the padlock on the entrance to the strong room of which he holds the key, place the key in a leather bag and have the bag sealed in the presence of both the officers by a subordinate, who shall not take the key out of the bag. Both the official seal and the private seal of the Treasury Officer shall be affixed to each of the bags. Each double lock officer shall take his bag from the subordinate immediately after it has been sealed. Both the seals shall then be affixed to each of the two padlocks on the entrance to the strong room and each double lock officer shall satisfy himself that this has been properly done before he leaves the place.
(b) The Treasurer may be allowed to hold in his separate custody a sum sufficient for the convenient transaction of Government business. The Treasury Officer shall see that the amount so held does not ordinarily exceed ` 5,000 and that any request by the Treasurer for a larger sum is carefully scrutinized taking into consideration the cash receipts of the day which may also be utilised for the expenditure for the day. Before signing the Treasurer’s daily balance sheet when closing the treasury for the day, the Treasury Officer shall verify the balance in the Treasurer’s sole charge as shown in that sheet and satisfy himself that it does not exceed the current requirements, that it contains no uncurrent coin and that it does not contain more of any kind of small coin than is needed for current use. He shall also verify that the total value of the cash, stamps, opium, gunja and banderols held in the Treasurer’s sole charge does not exceed the amount of the security furnished by the Treasurer, and shall then have them placed in the double lock strong room.
Treasury balance and currency chest balance.—The moneys held in a treasury as part of the Government’s cash balance form the treasury balance, from which Government disbursements are made and into which Government receipts are paid. A separate currency chest also is ordinarily kept in the treasury. The currency chest balance consists partly of notes which are treated as not “in circulation” and partly of coin (rupees and gold coin) which is part of the assets held by the Issue Department of the Reserve Bank of India against the note issued in accordance with the provisions of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 (India Act II of 1934). The contents of the currency chest are the property of the Reserve Bank but the Government are responsible to the Reserve Bank, for them. All the government servants concerned should take the same care to safeguard the currency chest balances as in the case of the treasury balance.
Deposit in currency chest of sealed bag of coin or bundle of notes relating to a loss of cash from the currency chest or the treasury balance.—In cases of losses of money due to theft from currency chests, the amount recovered is sealed in a packet or bag and deposited into the currency chest. When the loss is due to defalcation, the deficient bags or bundles, from which money has been removed, are also kept sealed in the currency chest. When it becomes necessary to take out the sealed packet and/or bag or deficient bag and/ or bundle for exhibition in court, the transaction should be treated as a definite withdrawal from the chest on the day of withdrawal and included in the advice and currency chest slip to be sent on that day to the Currency Officer, Madras. Similarly, when these are deposited into the currency chest (which should be done as soon as possible), the transactions should be treated as a deposit into the currency chest and included in the transactions of the day and in the chest slip to be sent to the Currency Officer, Madras.
Whenever a sealed packet of notes or bag of coins is deposited into the currency chest, there should be a clear certificate attached to the packet or bag as the case may be, in the handwriting of and over the full signature with the date and designation of the officer whose private seal is affixed on it, stating the contents and value of the sealed packet or bag. The certifying officer should be someone other than the officer-in-charge of the treasury or sub treasury and should be either the Magistrate who is dealing with the case in question or an officer of the Revenue Department not below the rank of a Revenue Divisional Officer. In respect of a bag so sealed and till the case is finally disposed of, there is no need to break open the seal every time the currency chest has to be verified. The officer verifying the currency chest balance should accept the certificate so long as the seal is intact and include the amount in the balance. When the case is over and the sealed bag is no longer required for production in a court of law, the usual procedure for making up the notes into bundles or coins into bags and for verifying their contents should be followed.
136. Treasury strong room.—
(d) The Superintendent of Police should record an order prescribing the positions of the sentries, and may require any additional precautions to be taken in regard to the strengthening of fastenings, burning of lights, etc. The responsibility for the security of the building and its fixtures will, however, remain with the Executive Engineer, and the responsibility for the security of chests and other treasury furniture not forming part of the building or fixtures will remain with the Treasury Officer.
(e) A copy of the latest certificate given by an Inspecting Public Works Officer under clause (c) above and a copy of the order of the Superintendent of Police under clause (d) above should be hung up in a conspicuous place inside the strong room. The Treasury Officer should see that any conditions as to the manner of storage of treasure mentioned in these documents are complied with.
𝐐29.A copy of the latest certificate given by an inspecting Public Works engineer and the order of superintendent of Police prescribing the position of the sentries for the strong room of the Treasury should be:
(A) kept safely inside the chest in the strong room
(B) hung up in a conspicuous place inside the strong room
(C) kept in the relevant file
(D) sent to the Director of Treasures
(f) The doors and windows of the strong room should be kept permanently closed and locked, except during the time necessary for moving coin or other valuables into or out of it. As an exception to this rule, the opening of shutters is permitted during office hours in an aperture, which is otherwise barred, if it is necessary for the admission of light or air to any other part of the building, provided that all coins and valuables remain securely packed in locked receptacles.
(g) Chubbs, Hobbs, Godrej or Dindigul Padlocks or Sparling patent padlocks manufactured at the Sparling Lock Works at Aligarh should be used as the double locks on the entrance to a strong room, and also on double lock receptacles kept in the strong room.
137. Treasury padlocks and keys.—
(a) A register of all the padlocks and keys belonging to the district treasury and its sub treasuries should be maintained in Form T.R. 29 and kept in the strong room of the district treasury. Separate pages should be assigned to the district treasury and to each sub treasury. Each sub treasury should also keep a list of its own padlocks and keys in the same form.
The Treasury Officer or the Treasurer, as the case may be, shall initial in column 9 of the register against each original key in his charge as an acknowledgment that he has received it. In regard to each duplicate key, which is kept in the box of duplicate keys under the joint custody of the Treasury Officer and the Treasurer, a note shall be made to that effect and initialed by the Treasury Officer and the Treasurer in column 7 of the register. The Treasury Officer shall note the number and date of safe custody deposit item of the sealed box containing the duplicate keys of the padlocks used on the entrance of the district treasury strong room, etc., [See clause (e) below] in the appropriate place of the register. The Treasury Officer shall obtain the acknowledgment from each Sub Treasury Officer for the original Sub Treasury keys in his possession and the number and date of each acknowledgement shall be noted in the register.
All padlocked boxes, locks and keys used for remittance purposes are the property of the Reserve Bank which will be responsible for repairs to, and replacements of, such boxes, locks, keys, etc. All Treasury Officers and Sub Treasury Officers should maintain a separate account of all such articles in their custody in the form prescribed by the Reserve Bank. The boxes should be marked “R.B.M.” and used for remittance purposes, when necessary. Any charges for repair or replacement of these boxes, locks and keys should be incurred only with the previous sanction of the Currency Officer and debited to the Reserve Bank.
(b) Every padlock should have a number impressed upon it or attached to it by a metal or other label, and the same number should be impressed on, or attached to each key belonging to it. No two padlocks in the same district should bear the same number.
d) No spare padlocks should be kept at a sub treasury or except with the permissions of the Director of Treasuries at a district treasury.
The Director of Treasuries should see that no necessary padlock and keys and no unnecessary duplicate keys are supplied to, or retained in any treasury. No duplicate keys should be kept at a sub treasury.
(e) All spare padlocks with their keys which are kept in a District Treasury with the approval of the Director of Treasuries and all duplicate keys pertaining to the District Treasury and the Sub Treasuries in the District, except the duplicate keys of the locks used in the entrance to the strong room of the District Treasury and the District Stamp Depot if any and that of the duplicate key receptacle shall be kept in the District Treasury strong room in a receptacle with double locks as an item of deposit under safe custody. The key of one of the locks of this duplicate key receptacle shall be kept with the District Treasury Officer and the key of the other with the Treasurer. The District Treasury Officer and the Treasurer shall keep these keys in their personal custody and shall not hand them over to any one except under the written orders of the Director of Treasuries. But the District Treasury Officer shall hand over the keys in his possession to the Assistant Treasury Officer/Officer-in-charge of the District Stamp Depot if any, when he is absent from headquarters on account of tour or inspection work or otherwise. The District Treasury Officer may also authorise another Treasurer of the District Treasury to keep the key in the custody of the Treasurer present when the regular Treasurer is absent on leave or for some other valid reasons.
(i) In bags of uniform size and contents placed in strong iron boxes or safes, or wooden chests, or built recesses or wells, each of which shall have two independent locks and be so constructed that it is impossible to have any access to the contents until both locks have been opened. Bags made of net material shall always be used for storing whole rupees. The Treasury Officer shall hold the key of one of the two locks on each double lock receptacle in a district treasury and the Treasurer, the keys of the other. The Treasury Officer and the Treasurer respectively shall never, under any circumstance, hand over any double lock key held by him to any one other than a government servant who has been duly authorised to take charge of the duties of his post from him.
(For the corresponding rule for a sub treasury, See Rule 140).
Explanation.—Notes of the denomination of ` 100 or more shall be treated as high value notes.
- Receipt of moneys into and issue of moneys from double locks.—
The following procedure shall be followed:—
(a) Coin of each denomination shall be made up in bags of uniform size and contents by the Treasurer for reception into the double locks. The Treasury Officer shall verify the contents of each bag, and shall then count the bags into the double lock receptacle.
(b) Notes intended for delivery into double locks shall be made up in bundles according to denomination in the order of receipt. No bundle shall contain more than a hundred notes. The Treasury Officer shall count the notes in each bundle with his own hands and satisfy himself that it does not contain any note of a denomination different from that specified on the label in Form T.R. 31 affixed on top of the bundle, and shall sign the label as a token of his verification. He shall then count the bundles so verified into the tin box containing high value notes or the double lock receptacle with his own hands and, if the tin box has been taken out of the double lock receptacle shall replace it therein with his own hands.
The detailed check of fresh notes of the denomination of ₹0 and ₹5
received in a remittance from the Currency Office may be confined to one bundle
in every ten taken at random.
(c) Notes shall be given out of double locks by counting the number of bundles. The bundles shall be arranged in the double lock receptacle in the order of receipt and given out in the same order, taking first those which were received earliest, so that notes of the older issues shall not be stored indefinitely. As soon as the Treasury Officer and the Treasurer have opened a double lock receptacle for the purpose of taking out notes, the Treasury Officer shall take out with his own hands the requisite bundles of notes (or, if it is required, the tin box containing the high value notes) and the receptacle shall immediately be closed. The Treasury Officer shall take out with his own hands all notes that have not be taken out of the tin box containing high value notes and, during any period required for counting the notes, the tin box shall be kept closed. As soon as the transaction relating to the notes kept in the tin box has been completed, the Treasury Officer shall replace it in the appropriate double lock receptacle with his own hands.
(d) A double lock receptacle shall not be kept open or unlocked for longer than is necessary and in no circumstances shall more than one double lock receptacle be kept unlocked at a time. As soon as the transaction relating to a receptacle has been completed, it shall be properly double locked.
(e) The provisions in clauses (b) and (c) above requiring the Treasury Officer to take out notes from double lock receptacles with his own hands and to count them himself in no way affect the responsibility of the Treasurer for the handling of the moneys in the treasury as laid down in Rule 135.
(f) A memorandum in Form T.R. 32 for coin, or one in Form T.R. 33 for notes, shall be kept in each double lock receptacle showing its contents. Whenever any amount is passed into or out of double locks, the Treasury Officer shall make the necessary entries in these memoranda and in Form T.R. 4 (Treasurer’s Daily Balance Sheet) at the time with his own hands.
(g) When notes are prepared in accordance with clause (b) above for reception into double locks, a slip in Form T.R. 31 stating the number of notes the bundle contains and their denomination, and bearing the full signature of the government servant who made up the bundle and the government servant who last counted the notes in it shall invariably be affixed to the top of each bundle, so that if any deficiency or defect of any kind is detected subsequently, there may be no uncertainty as to who counted and examined the notes. A slip in Form T.R. 30 shall be duly filled up and placed in each bag of coin which is prepared for reception into double locks.
(h) The Treasury Officer shall “prove” the balance whenever money is transferred from double locks to single lock and vice versa and from double locks to the currency chest and vice versa.
Explanation.—The scope of the term “proving” is explained in note under Rule 152(iii).
(ii) Sub Treasuries
140 Subject to the provisions contained in rule 141 the provisions in rules 133 to 137 shall apply generally to the sub treasuries also. Duties and responsibilities assigned to the Treasury Officer in the district treasury shall rest with the Sub Treasury Officer in the case of sub treasuries.
- The amount of cash required for current purposes to be left in the custody of the Treasurer in a sub treasury shall be fixed by the District Treasury Officer and such cash should be kept by the Treasurer under single lock in the strong room. If on account of the receipt, the amount in the hands of the Treasurer becomes larger than the maximum fixed by the District Treasury Officer he shall at once inform the Sub Treasury Officer or other officer-in-charge of the sub treasury so that the latter may transfer the excess to the main sub treasury balance under double locks.
142 [Deleted]
143 [Deleted]
Verification and Certification of
Cash Balance of Treasuries
- The monthly cash balance in the treasury, i.e., the cash balance at the close of the day on which the accounts of the month are closed, shall be verified as follows:—
(a) Copper, bronze and nickel coin.—The Collector or other verifying government servant shall adopt such method of verification as he thinks satisfactory, remembering that he is personally responsible for the correctness of the balance stated by him. He shall always count the number of bags at the time of verification, and shall examine their contents at frequent intervals, though it is not essential to do so every month.
(b) Notes.—(i) The verifying government servant shall personally examine and count all notes of *denominations above₹100.
(ii) The following method shall be adopted for verifying notes of other denominations, if the verifying government servant cannot count them personally without undue inconvenience:
The notes shall be kept in bundles of a certain marked number. In each bundle a few notes at the top shall be folded back and the rest counted by clerks or assistants, who are not persons responsible for the correctness of the bundles. The verifying government servant shall then see whether the addition of the notes folded back to the number already counted makes up the total number marked on the bundle.
The verifying government servant shall also satisfy himself that the notes in each bundle are all of the alleged value, e.g., that a five rupee note is not counted as one of a bundle of ten rupee notes.
145 These rules shall be printed and pasted on a board and hung up in the strong room in a conspicuous place.
- 146.The Collector or other government servant who verifies the monthly cash balancein the treasury shall certify to the balance in the District Treasury Cash Balance Report (Form T.R. 39) in the following form:—
“I hereby certify that I have personally ascertained by counting, that the balance in the district treasury, for which I am responsible, amounted on the …………………………………………..…….……. to `……………. (in words) …………………………………………………………. I further certify that the bulk of the treasure is kept under double locks the key of one of which is in the exclusive custody of the Treasury Officer and that of the other with the Treasurer. I further certify that the balance under single lock with the Treasurer amounted on the above date to ` ………………….. and that at no time did the Treasurer hold in his separate custody a sum larger than was necessary for the convenient transaction of Government business or a sum which, together with the value of stamps, opium, etc., in his sole custody, was larger than the security given by him.
This provision regarding reports does not apply to the reports of the verification of the cash balance on account of a transfer of charge; they should be sent in accordance with Treasury Rule 4(4) of Part I and Rule 52 of Part II.
The provisions of Rules 142, 143 and 145 are applicable to the verification of sub treasury balances also.
148. The Sub Treasury Officer or other government servant who verifies the monthly closing cash balance of the sub treasury shall sign a certificate as follows on the sub treasury cash balance report (Form T.R. 36):
“I hereby certify that the balance in the sub treasury amounted on the ……………………………………………. to Rupees …………………….. and that I have personally examined and ascertained that the said balance was actually in the said sub treasury had agreed with the details of notes and coins entered above.”
NOTE 1.—When verifying the stamps kept under double locks, it will be sufficient for the Sub Treasury Officer or other government servant who verifies the cash balance personally to check 10 per cent of the stock in each class of stamps and to supervise the checking of the remaining stock in each class by a reliable subordinate. The clerk who maintains the stamp accounts and the Treasurers, Gollahs and Peons working in the sub treasury office should not be allowed to assist in verifying the stamps. The result of the verification should be recorded in the stock register of stamps and attested by all the government servants who are required to be present during the verification.
NOTE 3.—Whenever the whole balance under double lock is verified, a certificate of verification should be entered in the Treasurer’s daily balance sheet. The fact of verification of the contents of each double lock chest should also be noted in the memorandum kept in the chest, whenever the contents are verified.
Currency Chest Balances
149. Unless in any case the Government after consultation with the Reserve Bank of India direct otherwise, permanent currency chests should be maintained at all treasuries and sub treasuries where the transactions are of such a magnitude that the additional facility for the transfer of funds thus afforded reduces appreciably the locking up of moneys or the frequency of remittances of coins and notes. At sub treasuries where a permanent currency chest is not maintained, temporary chests for period not exceeding six months may be opened during the revenue collecting season, in order that the money collected at the sub treasury may be available at once for transfer through currency. Treasury Officers are authorized to open temporary chests at sub treasuries when required, but they should report the opening of each chest and the amount of the first deposit into it by telegram to the Currency Officer.
NOTE 1.—At places where the cash business of the treasury is conducted by the Bank, the currency chests are kept in the sole custody of the Bank.
150. At a treasury which does not transact its cash business through the bank, an entirely separate receptacle or receptacles should be set apart for the contents of the currency chest and kept under double locks. The keys of these double locks should be held in the same manner as the keys of the double locks placed on receptacles used for the double lock treasury balance— See Rules 136 (a) (i) and 138.
NOTE 1.—For the purpose of “proving” the currency chest balance as contemplated above at every transaction involving an addition to or subtraction from the contents of the chest, the number of bundles of notes and bags of coin under the various denominations and any loose amounts less than a full bundle or bag should be counted and tallied with the currency chest book. It is not necessary for this purpose to verify in detail by actual counting all the coin and notes in the chest.
153. (i) The Reserve Bank of India will conduct through its own officers the verification of the balance in a chest in the sole custody of the Bank in such manner as its considers desirable.
(ii) The balance in the currency chest at a district treasury which does not transact its cash business through the Bank should be verified at the close of each month by the Government Servant who verifies the treasury balance under rules 4(3), 47 and 142* subject to the conditions stated in those rules.
(iii) The balance in a sub treasury currency chest should be verified at the close of business on the day on which accounts for the month are closed by the Sub Treasury Officer or other officer who verifies the sub treasury balance under Rule 61 and he should send a verification certificate in Form T. R. 39 to the Treasury Officer. An inspecting officer who verifies the treasury balance at such a sub treasury should also verify the currency chest balance and send a verification certificate to the Currency Officer.
(iv) At every change in the incumbency of the post of either of two government servants holding joint charge of a currency chest, the balance should be verified by the relieving government servant in the presence of the outgoing Government servant and of the other government servant who holds joint charge and a report of the correctness of the balance of notes and coin should be sent to the Currency Officer.
(vi) The balance in a currency chest not in the sole custody of the Bank should be verified in the following manner:—
(a) The balance of notes or coin kept in receptacles which have not been operated on since the last verification and which are under the previous verifying government servants seal need not all be examined at each verification, but the examination should be so arranged that no receptacle is left unverified for over six months. The seal to be affixed on such receptacles should be the private seal of the verifying government servant or a special seal kept in the custody of the Collector or a gazetted assistant of the district staff other than the Treasury Officer. The seals on the receptacles left unverified at any monthly verification should be scrutinised carefully to see that they are intact.(b) Notes should be counted and examined in the manner prescribed in clause (b) (i) of Rule 144.
Custody etc., of Other Valuables
154. The bulk of the stock of adhesive stamps and stamped papers should be kept in the double lock strong room in one more double lock receptacles, of which the keys should be held in the same manner as those of double lock receptacles used for moneys. Every place in which any stamps are stored should always be kept properly dry. Stamps should be made up for reception into double locks in parcels each of which contains a known quantity of stamps of a single denomination. In a district treasury a limited amount of stamps, not exceeding the probable amount required for sale during a week, may be kept in the Treasurer’s sole custody under single lock. In a sub treasury a small stock of stamps required for current purposes, not exceeding a maximum amount which the District Treasury Officer should fix for each sub treasury, may be kept in the Treasurer’s sole custody under single lock. Stamps should be sold from the single lock store. The detailed rules regarding manufacture, custody, supply, sale, etc, issued under the Kerala Stamp Act and the Indian Stamp Act should also be strictly followed.
- The procedure prescribed in Rule 154 should be followed generally in regard to receipt, custody and issue of banderols also.
- The main stock of opium and ganja should be kept in the double lock strong room in one or more double lock receptacles, the keys of which should be held in the same manner as those of double lock receptacles used for moneys. In a district treasury no stock need ordinarily be kept in the Chief Treasurer’s sole custody, but, if it is found necessary in practice to permit the Chief Treasurer to keep a small amount of opium and ganja under single lock, the District Treasury Officer should, with reference to the conditions in his district, fix the maximum amount which may be so kept. Sales should be made from the single lock store, if there is one.
In a sub treasury a small amount of opium and ganja required for current purposes, not exceeding the maximum amount which the District Treasury Officer should fix for each sub treasury may be kept in the Treasurer’s sole custody under single lock, and opium and ganja should be sold from the single lock store.
The detailed rules contained in the State Excise Manual and special orders, if any, regarding the custody, sale, etc., of opium and ganja should be strictly adhered to.
Packets containing valuables shall not be received at Treasury for safe custody, unless it is properly sealed. Is there any exception?
(A) There is no exception
(B) Exception can be granted by Government
(C) Yes. Packages containing examination materials from the Commissioner for Entrance Examination affixing his hologram can be accepted instead of wax seal
(D) Exception can be granted by Director of Treasures
Correct Answer:-Option-C
- 157. The following articles should be kept in safe custody in the treasury when sent there for that purpose:—
(a) Sealed boxes purporting to contain jewellery or other valuables brought into court of law under the Civil Rules of Practice and Criminal Rules of Practice provided that a written request is received from the presiding officer of the court.
(b) Sealed packets purporting to contain duplicate keys and padlocks of strong rooms and currency chests for the branches of the State Bank of India/State Bank of Travancore and sealed boxes purporting to contain duplicate keys of the padlocks used on remittance boxes held by the Agents of the State Bank of India/State Bank of Travancore on behalf of the Reserve Bank of India.
(c) Sealed packets purporting to contain duplicate keys of iron safes and cash chests provided for the use of government institutions and government servants.
(d) Cash chests of Co-operative Land Mortgage Banks.
(e) Box containing the duplicate keys of the cash chests of local bodies and co-operative societies registered under the Co-operative Societies Act.
(f) Sealed packets purporting to contain duplicate keys of iron safes and cash chests of Union Government Departments.
(g) Sealed covers purporting to contain National Savings Certificates, if tendered by the holders on written request.
(gg) Confiscated weapons sent for safe custody under the orders of the Collector or Additional District Magistrate (Personal Assistant to the Collector) pending their disposal in auction, provided a written request is received from the officer concerned;
(h) Sealed cash chests and sealed packets purporting to contain valuables not falling under clause (a), (b), (c), (d), (f), (g), or (gg) above and iron safes and chests of private banks provided that no such safe, chest or packet may be received unless the District Treasury Officer has issued an order authorising the treasury to receive it for safe custody. Such orders issued by the District Treasury Officer shall be subject to scrutiny and approval post facto by the Director. In doubtful cases the District Treasury Officer shall obtain the sanction of the Director in advance.
Whenever a District Treasury Officer issues an order authorizing a treasury to receive a safe, chest or packet for safe custody with reference to sub para above, he should communicate a copy of the order (together with a copy of the application when necessary) to the Accountant General so that he may examine the propriety of the grant of permission.
As regards the receipt of iron safes and chests of private banks for safe custody in treasuries with reference to the first sub para above the following further instructions shall be followed:—
If the chests or safes of any private bank are small in size and not too many, they may be accommodated in treasuries and sub treasuries where, space is available. Application for such accommodation should be made to the District Treasury Officer. If the accommodation is to be made in a sub treasury, the District Treasury Officer shall deal with such applications in consultation with the Sub Treasury Officer. In the event of a refusal to give such accommodation, the District Treasury Officer should make a report to the Director explaining in detail the reasons for refusal to afford the facility to the applicant banking company. The Director will forward to the Government the report of the District Treasury Officer with his remarks and the Government will then review the case.
In cases where the facility is granted, the depositing banks will have to keep and remove their safes or chests with reference to their daily or periodical requirements in the presence of both the double lock officers of the treasury. With a view to avoid dislocation of work in treasuries and sub treasuries on this account, it is necessary to fix definite hours for the agents of the private banks for operating on their chests in the strong room. The hours between
10.30 a.m. and 4 p.m. on working days other than Saturdays between 10.30 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Saturdays may be generally suitable. The Treasury Officer concerned will fix a definite time for this purpose in consultation with the bank concerned.
The Treasury or Sub Treasury Officer accepting the cash chests or safes of private banks for safe custody in the strong room will not take any cognizance of the contents of the chests or safes and the receipts to the banks will be issued in the form prescribed in Rule 158 below with a remark that the contents of the chests or safes are unknown.
Rent at a flat rate of `.5 per mensem or part thereof will be collected in advance for each safe or chest for which accommodation is lent. The receipts on account of this should be credited to the Government under “0070. Other Administrative Services”.
158. (1) No cash chest or packet containing valuables should be received at a treasury for safe custody unless it is properly sealed. When any such article is received at a district treasury, the Treasury Officer and the Chief Treasurer should examine it carefully to see that the seals are intact and place it under double locks, and the Treasury Officer should give a receipt for it merely acknowledging the receipt of sealed cash chest or packet. When any such article is received at a sub treasury, the Sub Treasury Officer should follow the same procedure.
The Treasury Officer or the Sub Treasury Officer as the case may be should insist on the return of any written acknowledgement or safe custody receipt granted by the treasury before he returns any cash chest or packet containing valuable out of safe custody.
The proceeds, if any, of the sale shall be credited to the miscellaneous receipts of the Treasury Department. In the case of such articles available at the Sub Treasuries, they shall be transferred to the concerned District Treasury and included in the Register of safe custody articles of the District Treasury and thereafter action taken as envisaged above. Such articles in the District and Sub Treasuries shall be taken up for disposal once in a year, in April and action completed withi
The above procedure will apply to the cash chests *or sealed boxes of Co-operative Land Mortgage Bank also.
(iii) The Agent of the branch of the State Bank of India will periodically, at intervals of not less than six months, verify the presence of the sealed packet under double locks in the treasury and satisfy himself that the seals on it are intact.
The procedure is applicable to the State Bank of Travancore also.