UNIT 1 ; The Warmth Of Love

January 28, 2025



The unit ‘The Warmth of Love’ extols the power and comfort of love. The basic lessons of love and care should be leamed at home. There must be a suitable environment at home. The stream of love flows out to friends and to the society. This unit consists of three lessons: A story named ‘The Kissing Hand’ by Audrey Penn, a poem ‘A Friend’ by Edgar Albert Guest and a picture story ‘The Dot’ by Peter Hamilton Reynolds.

Let’s start

“Earth is the right place for love.”

Robert Frost The quote is from the poem, ‘Birches’ by Robert Frost, the American poet. Birch swinging is an enjoyable pastime. In times of our distress, we take resort to some pastime to forget our worries. Whatever pastime we indulge in, we should get back to this Earth. We will have to face the real- ities of the Earth. Earth is the right place for love and hence the right place to live in. There is no other better place than the Earth.

Robert Frost (1874-1963)

Robert Frost, the well-known American poet and playwright, was born on 26 March, 1874 in San Francisco, California. He was the favourite poet of Jawaharlal Nehru. His notable works are The Road not Taken, A Boy’s Will, North of Boston, After Apple Picking, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, etc. He was honoured with four Pulitzer Prizes and was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature 31 times. In 1960 he was awarded Congressional Gold Medal. He passed away on 29 January, 1963 in Boston, Massachusetts,.U S.

Category: Class 5English